Please join me this Wednesday for a summit on economic opportunities in the city of North Miami Beach. (Invitation below) We will discuss the redevelopment and development potential both inside and outside of our CRA area, including the various incentive programs available.
As my recent quote to the media says: “It is no longer business-as-usual in North Miami Beach. We are absolutely committed to attracting and retaining businesses and investment like never before. We are cutting red tape and creating a culture in City Hall that is laser-focused on economic opportunity and prosperity. Out city’s long-term livability and economic vitality depend on it.—said Mayor Vallejo“
I hope you will be there to see it firsthand and walk away with some investment ideas for yourself or your clients.
George Vallejo
North Miami Beach
North Miami Beach

It does not matter how hard you work on economic development, if Phyllis Smith is allowed to speak at this summit all your efforts will be for naught. This mentally disturbed, attention-starved woman has somehow found an outlet for her anti-social behavior in the office of the city council and will continue to increase the level of craziness making the entire city look unstable and therefor not a good place to invest. While her family is probably ecstatic about having unloaded her on the city, she is just not good for business.
I couldn’t agree more. Phyllis is truly an embarrassment to North Miami Beach. Every time she opens her mouth, something completely stupid and/or inappropriate comes pouring out. Granted, she’s a blogger’s dream, but an investor’s nightmare. Who would even want to open a business in NMB knowing that she’ll not only be the first to show up at the ribbon cutting, but that she’ll elbow her way into every picture as if it’s all about her?
Many of us couldn’t agree more, but if we were to confront her we would be escorted out by police. Aren’t her colleagues obligated to put a stop to her craziness? Is there anything the other six members of council can do? I highly doubt there is a single one of them that wouldn’t want to bitch-slap her.
Don’t be so sure. I personally know at least two of her colleagues who would love to stuff her mouth with an apple or a sock. Actually, make that three or four of them. I don’t know why they don’t say something because if I had the misfortune of sitting on that dais, I wouldn’t be able to sit still and not say anything. Could you imagine that scene? LOL!