As reported by Random Pixels, soon you’ll have to pay for the Miami Herald’s online content. Since the powers that be haven’t figured out why readership of their print edition are way down, they think they’ll have better luck charging you to read their crack journalism digitally. Good luck with that. Random Pixels’ Bill responds:
There you have it folks…no more free lunches from the Miami Herald. If you want to read their crap first-class journalism; you’re going to have to pay.
Check out what else he has to say by clicking here.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
This is a growing trend all around the country. Gannett has done the same for all of their newspapers.
However, I really do think it is some of the best news that I could ever hear. Almost all of the newspapers are poorly run as well as extremely left leaning biased. Being a conservative, nothing would please me more than to see these newspapers go out of business and in my opinion this move just puts them one step closer to bankruptcy. I am overjoyed and hope all of them follow each other off a financial cliff.
I have an interesting theory about newspapers and their far left leaning connections and how they fit into today’s political jigsaw. I will have to put together a few thoughts on that.

As much as I complain about the Miami Herald, I would not be happy about this at all. The Herald is the main source of our local news, and since my columns focus mainly on local issues, it’s easy to quote the Herald in my blog when I can access the articles online. I never depend on it for national news, which obviously is extremely biased. But when something happens in North Miami or North Miami Beach, our local reporters are necessities. The Miami New Times covers local news, but isn’t focused on any one municipality. So, this is not good news for us locals.
Stephanie, I was not thinking about the local news aspect of the Herald, since it doesn’t interest me very much. So, I can understand your point.
I am interested in the local news for two areas, the one where I live now and the one where I grew up. When the local newspaper for the area where I grew up changed their policy like the Herald, I was also devastated. However, the local TV channels had websites that covered the local news quite well and maybe even better when it came to sports.
I quit reading the local paper where I live long before they began charging because it was so liberal that it upset me. I get my local (where I live) news from the cable TV provider’s 24 hour local news channel which I will often have on in the background and once again one of the local TV websites.
I will probably surprise you with my next comment. I actually found the Miami Herald to be one of the better large Metro newspapers. They were less biased and actually did a better job than a lot of the large newspapers around the country. Journalism in this country is at an all time low.
I’m not surprised because the Herald is nowhere near the worst of them. The really bad newspapers have already gone out of business. However, I will never pay to read online news, and certainly not by the Miami Herald. There are plenty of really good news sources online for free.
When all those left-leaning papers tumble into bankruptcy, what will become of their ad salespeople, and the economy they fuel? And if you don’t live here and never did, why would you read The Miami Herald in the first place?
Who said I have never lived there? I lived in Broward county for a short period many years ago.
“I am interested in the local news for two areas, the one where I live now and the one where I grew up.”
Is one of these Broward County? I suspect not. I think you’re a news troll who spends all day trolling the news online and looking for an outlet for your theories, which no one wants to hear. You need a new hobby. I suggest cross-stitch, or knitting.