Good morning, folks. Before I forget, please check the PublicStuff website to see if our North Miami Beach Peeping Tom EX-mayor Myron Rosner has reported you to code enforcement. He’s made his way to the Sunray neighborhood and is now obsessed with driveways and awnings, two of the very same things of which he himself is in violation. One of the “reported” properties is just down the street from my house, so I’d better go make sure my shades are drawn just in case he brought his Three Members with him. Ewwwww!!!
I recommend you check that website daily to see if Myron’s coming to a street near you. Gives “Who Let the Dogs Out?” a whole new meaning, eh?
Way to go, Myron!
Now, head on over to the Miami Herald’s article about how Myron is still terrorizing the residents of North Miami Beach, this time by reporting everyone to Code Enforcement. Myron posted comments!
As hard as it is to believe, his comments are even more hysterical in writing than they are during his three minutes of infamy at City Council meetings.
After being publicly and humiliatingly ousted from office and laying low for for the last year, Myron has finally come out of the closet.
Hey, Myron! You go, girl!
Talking about himself in the third person (or maybe it’s the squirrel talking), he complains about his predecessor Mayor Raymond Marin, Marin’s “landlord,” and the entire Code Compliance division of North Miami Beach. Myron, then actually complains that someone dared to file a complaint against him to Code Compliance, and that the notice of violation was posted on “the Rosner home Election Run-off day May 17, 2011.”
Oh, so THAT must be the reason he lost the election. Okaaaaay!
Third Person Myron then kvetches again about City Planner Chris Heid and accuses him again of issuing “immoral” permits. Nurse Ratched, you catch that?
He also wants you to know that “sometimes you have to lose to win.” WTF?
Sorry, Myron, when you lose, you lose. Once a loser, always a loser.
Then Myron proves for once and for all that he hasn’t learned how to count to four, by stating, “For the record, the Miami Dade Ethics Commission voted 2-1 with a statement read at the hearing of “Not Guilty.” There were only 3 members present for the vote.”
When I corrected his miscount of the Ethics Commission vote, he responded that I had it wrong. No proof of his claim. Just “Ms Kienzle has it all wrong again.”
Sorry, Myron. I’m wasn’t wrong before and I’m not wrong now.
First of all, there were four, count ’em, four board members, present and accounted for. I have the video and, believe me, unlike Myron, I can count.
Second of all, I have the written report of the Ethics Commission, which you can also read here, which clearly states:
“After four partial days of hearings over the past several weeks, the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust (COE) completed its action on complaints (C 09-02 & C 09-04) against former North Miami Beach Mayor Myron Rosner, but deadlocked on a two-two vote. It was alleged that Rosner, who was a licensed building contractor and a member of the Miami-Dade County Board of Rules and Appeals, proposed and completed several additions to his private home that required zoning variances. As a member of the City Council, Rosner discussed his displeasure about the variance process with the city manager at the time, who told his staff to resolve the issue. Building permits were issued for the improvements that violate the city code.
Two Ethics Commissioners voted that the evidence did not meet the “clear and convincing” standard required for finding Rosner misused his authority. One member recused himself from the proceeding. Two others believed Rosner should be found guilty of exploitation of official position. Commissioner Seymour Gelber, a former Miami Beach mayor and retired judge, issued a formal statement, noting, “When the mayor told the city manager ‘make it happen,’ he sent a message to his underlings. They knew what was expected of them and they made ‘IT’ happen. You don’t get smoking guns as evidence in these kinds of cases.” Referring also to the following complaint, Gelber said “these acts will not be tolerated. Maybe both these cases will convince some public officials that their duty is not to themselves or friends but to the community as a whole.”
Hey, Myron, put on your thinking cap and concentrate real hard: The vote was 2-2, not 2-1. TWO PLUS TWO EQUALS FOUR! Are we clear on that? Do you need a calculator?
Myron must have confused the Ethics Commission members with the Three Members in his package. I’m just saying.
When I posted a response to Myron’s ridiculous comment, he immediately tried to discredit me by stating, “Our residents deserve better than what Ms Kienzle, her groupees [sic] and her blog have done with all the negativity that now exists in our City.”
So Myron is now accusing me and my “groupies” of being the cause of “all the negativity” in North Miami Beach. Pat yourselves on the back, Gadfly Groupies! We are the Champions of the World!
Then Myron tried to trick me into giving up the names of my sources at City Hall when I wrote how he keeps harassing the employees. He wanted names! Seriously! He wanted me to enlighten him! ROFLMAO!
As if I’m gonna help him build his dossier on everyone in North Miami Beach so he could further harass them and report them to Code. Um, yeah, I don’t think so.
Myron and his Three Members, a/k/a “Citizens United” want you to listen to him and visit his website because Myron, and ONLY Myron, can tell you all about “Truth and Equitable Government.” They want you to know what happened to Myron so that it doesn’t happen to you!
Myron, trust me. What happened to you is never gonna happen to us.
We don’t do stupid shit and blame it on others.
We don’t build a concrete jungle on our properties, get cited, and then ask “Why me?”
We don’t bully residents and harass employees.
We don’t sneak around town with cameras and clipboards to spy on our neighbors and create dossiers on our enemies.
We don’t wear Squirrels on our heads and talk about our packages in public.
Nope, what happens to you can only happen to you because wherever you go, you bring yourself with you.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Congrats on the Groupies! Sure wish I had some. LOL
During the election, Myron complained about me and fellow resident, Allison Robie, calling us the Gruesome Twosome. He also told a Herald reporter that citizen activists were nothing but hindrances. So Allison and I formed an air band called Gruesome Twosome and the Hindrances! Now we have Groupies! YAY!
So sorry for you killianytech, you really have a bunch of dead beat smart peeps in North Miami. Talk about complacency, it’s really pathetic and unfortunate, but the residents in North Miami’s case get what they deserve. We are lucky in North Miami Beach, but truthfully, I have no doubt, this blog makes a definite difference to enlightening even more people than were already involved.
Maybe we could help find you some antennas for your residents heads. I’m just saying.
As for Myron Rosner. You are one sick dude! “Make it happen”? that’s what you told the then Community Development Director, Tom Vageline, isn’t it? Mr. Heid was the only employee who stood up to you and his boss by not signing the documents to allow you to go ahead and build out to the property line. And YOU, A FREAKING CONTRACTOR, want to tell your contractor community and the residents of North Miami Beach that you didn’t know you needed a variance? Please, who the F are you kidding? SHAME ON YOU! And the fact that your poor wife has to put up with you and she’s a Judge, OMFG! You are pathetic. I feel sorry for your family who you drag into your insane world. You had them work at the polls and be subject to people’s disdain for you. You even had your son film with his cell phone your insane tirade at the last Code Enforcement Meeting where you had a temper tantrum because you wanted to be heard. Wanted to be heard? You appealed your case, your case no longer will be heard in NMB. Your case is going to the county court. That in itself is a freaking joke because your wife is a judge, and because how many attorneys gave you campaign donations? Did they give you a donation because they all come in front of your wife or are they attorney’s who have defended you every time you get a harebrained idea that you are the victim?????
And, what the hell do you do all day? Don’t you have a job? You are in city hall every day looking up victims, who by the way are not contractors and perhaps didn’t know they needed a permit much less a variance. Stay out of city hall and leave everyone alone. Don’t you try and find work for SIZ Construciton? But then again how can you get work now because when client prospects or possible employers google you up, look at the shit they are going to find on you. Who the hell would hire you? You are self destructing, you need help and you really need to get the hell outta town, change your name and start your miserable life all over again. The only problem with that is you will become a nightmare for a whole new community and not because Ms. Kienzle will hunt you down and let the community know who you are, but because you are you, you can’t help yourself, even with the help you should go get, it won’t work. OMG! I’m going insane just writing about you.
Don’t go insane. Have Fun With Myron! Post your comment on the Herald article so we can get new “groupies” and inform all the Herald readers what the real Truth is.
The thing I have trouble wrapping my mind around is how on earth Myron believes he’s done nothing wrong and that everyone else is the problem. Then again, OJ somehow convinced himself that someone else killed Nicole. Just saying…
This whole thing really scares me. This seems like vigilantism and he is involving a lot of people. The Herald article did not seem to really address what the letters being sent to people’s houses say. These letters -being sent directly to residents’ houses- seem like intimidation and I am surprised the police have not put a stop to these scare tactics. What if the allegation in his letters are not true and an elderly person gets a letter from him and has a heart attack? Is this fear mongering? Is this a safe situation for NMB residents or is the situation getting out of control? How far will this go before law enforcement stops him?
Steph, if you really want to have fun with Myron, I’ll send you an idea privately.
Cool! Make sure you don’t send it in Myron’s package.
Seems that Myron is trolling this website and clicking “Dislike” on all our comments. Dude really needs to get a life.
After 40 years of living in that city and for that matter, Miami-Dade, this fool Moron Rosner has provided me more than an ample supply of new reasons I moved to North Florida. Now if I can just find some unsuspecting fool to buy my NMB home.
Sell it to Myron so he can do illegal construction on it.
Well, he does qualfy for the fool part, but not sure he will ever be an “unsuspect” type. BTW, I find folks like you and Crespo refreshing.
I love Crespo! I’m honored to be mentioned in the same sentence with him. Thanks!
Your blog is humerous enough. Maybe Myron and Andre should get together, they would make such a good pair. Unfortunately, before you make any more so-called friends in NM, please look deeper into their past and the enemies and stupidity they have caused in NM. If I were you, don’t hang out with any white folks in NM over the age of 55. They are almost all of the problem!!!