The shit continues to hit the fan. An article in today’s Miami Herald, North Miami foots the bill for Haiti president’s security detail
While many residents were understandably pissed off that “roughly one third” of North Miami’s population gets all the spoils, this is just one of the many slights the non-Haitian residents suffer at the hands of a mostly Haitian city council and staff. Even though mayor Andre Pierre denies that he plays identity politics, stating, “It’s a blatant lie that this administration only helps or does things for Haitians,” the record speaks for itself. The only blatant lie being told is Pierre’s claim that “his administration celebrates the culture of all residents.”
As I reported in We don’t need no stinkin’ sunshine. Part Deux., the North Miami city council is considering spending “$270,650.00, for a “Carnival or Mardi-Gras,” which is “one of the most sacred festivities in the Haitian community,” and an additional commitment for an unknown amount to host the festival for five consecutive additional years. Assuming no annual increase in the cost of the festival, this “commitment” will cost the City of North Miami a minimum of $1,623,900 over six years. Probably much more than that.
According to a recent Miami Herald article, Cash-strapped North Miami balks at covering Radio Mega carnival, the council only tabled this issue until August under pressure from residents. (As an aside, Miami Herald reporter Nadege Green could have given me credit for breaking the story about potential Sunshine Law violations when she wrote her article a full FIVE DAYS after I published my blog, but she didn’t. I guess, like Michelle Malkin, I’m “just a blogger.” But I digress.)
As for Pierre’s comment that the city “celebrates the culture of all residents,” he is probably referring to the annual Winternational Thanksgiving Parade for approximately $50,000.00 and the annual Fourth of July fireworks show for approximately $20,000.00, or a total of $70,000.00 per year for two 100% American holidays. Over the course of six years, the City of North Miami will spend $420,000.00 to “celebrate the culture of all residents,” but shell out more than $1.6 MILLION to celebrate the culture of Haitians.
Obviously, the American holidays are nowhere near as important to mayor Andre Pierre and his fellow Haitians. That’s hardly surprising since they constantly refer to themselves as Haitians and not Americans. Pierre may as well have said that North Miami spends four times the amount to “celebrate his culture” than it spends to “celebrate the culture of other residents.”
Bottom line, “roughly one third” of the population gets FOUR TIMES the goodies!
Andre Pierre was insulted that anyone would criticize this expenditure and claim that he only cares about Haitians. Sorry, Andre. It’s not at all “outrageous that as diverse as North Miami is someone would make that statement.” The facts speak for themselves.
The most telling and disturbing line of all in the Miami Herald article is a quote by former North Miami mayor and one time Florida State Senator candidate Joe Celestin. He was quoted as saying, “A large group of our residents are Haitian-American. If the Secret Service can’t give protection, this is something minor for North Miami to give respect to our president. He’s our president, at the minimum he deserves that kind of respect from us.”
Really, Mr. Celestin? Your president?
Just in case you forgot, you were the mayor of an American city! You ran for office in an American state! THIS IS AMERICA, NOT HAITI!
Let me remind you that OUR president is Barack Obama, not Michel Martelly.
If you have trouble with that, please feel free to go back to your country. And take Andre Pierre with you. I’m sure the taxpaying residents would be happy to buy your plane tickets. Heck, I’d even chip in.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Cliquez ici pour la traduction française.
Geez Steph, what’s your problem? LOL Not to mention the cost of renaming and providing signage for all the streets named after Haitians the 3-2 Mayor and council nominate. Don’t forget all the millions that Swerdlow just gave us. We’ve got all kinds of money to throw around now. Of course ” Crazy Joe ” Celestin would say something like that since he’s getting 25K a month to babysit the property that is Biscayne Landing formerly known as Munisport, toxic waste dump on the super fund list, hopeful Olympic training facility sit, attempted Solar Mountain site and had we played our cards right we could have been Walt Disney World. Wonder if Pierre illegally used our Police Explorers for some of the ” security ” detail as he has done in the past. Ethics? We don’t need no stinking ethics! We still have 3 missing police badges! Whatcha gonna do about it?
There aren’t enough hours in the day to write about all the corruption in North Miami. Thanks for the rundown!
You do enough for us already and thanks again. It’s like a train wreck that you can’t look away from. We are neighbors after all. : ) Trying to contain the crap so it doesn’t spill over to you guys. LOL
We sure do appreciate it, too!
Welcome to Port Au Nomi! For those who have forgotten and those who don’t know here is a link re: Munisport. For North Miami’s latest demographic from the census bureau 2010 go to These fun facts provided free of charge. But who cares about facts in North Miami? Certainly not the powers that be. Even your beloved Myron couldn’t be worse. LOL
I keep reminding myself never to get on your bad side, Steph!
Great post!
You will NEVER get on my bad side! Don’t worry about that. Thanks for the compliment.
All the Jews, Irish, British, Poles, Romanians and Canadians that I have known who have come to this country have become citizens, and have tried to become Americans (US Americans). But it seems to me that there are a lot of people from islands just south of the US that come to this country, bring their problems with them and try to turn this country into what they left behind. I don’t uinderstand it! If it is so great why did they leave?