Myron Rosner is in love with Stephanie Kienzle.
Or, should I say, “Myron Rosner is OBSESSED with Stephanie Kienzle?”
Either way, the very idea that he is so consumed with my existence is disturbing. On so many levels.
I always knew former North Miami Beach mayor Myron Rosner was a stalker, so I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s known for driving around town, sneaking through alleys and taking random pictures of people and their back yards. He is beyond creepy.
His creepiness continues…
As he threatened at the last city council meeting, his website is finally up and running. Sort of. It appears to be a site totally devoted to himself and how everyone in the City of North Miami Beach done him wrong.

Most of the pages are still “Under Construction,” but what is published so far is just really, really sick.
Myron’s “Home” page is working. It’s a short bitch rant about how the city’s Management, Attorney and Department heads are very bad people. Then he claims that everyone who did construction in the city without permits should receive amnesty. In other words, he wants all his own serious code violations to be forgiven.
Click on “Former mayor Rosner Issues and Request for Rehearing” (notice how he’s still trying to get mileage out of his one term stint!), and read the sad tale of Myron and and his wife, CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL. His twenty one page mea culpa laments how Code Enforcement is out to get him, how resident Anthony Defillipo was mean to Myron’s daughter Jessica during the election, and a diatribe about Anthony’s alleged code violations.
Myron goes on further to cry about resident Mary Hilton and how she laughed at him at his code board hearing. OMIGOD, Mary LAUGHED AT HIM? Seriously?
News Flash, Myron: EVERYONE laughs at you. You’re a joke!
Myron then details several alleged code violations allegedly committed by Ms. Hilton and other code board members.
The best line of Myron’s unofficial autobiography is paragraph 6, which reads: “Lack of due process for a paraplegic disabled man who requested an extension with valid medical reasons, with a signed letter provided prior to and at the hearing by a licensed Medical Doctor, and his spouse, who, if properly noticed would still have been unable to attend, being a good wife.”
Okay, first of all, watch Myron play the Disabled Card! Again! Never mind that it was his own stupidity that caused his disability. We should all feel bad for him nevertheless. BOO HOO!
Secondly, he claims that his wife, CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL, is a good wife. Um, yeah, well, considering that she hasn’t left him by now, she’s either a “good” loyal wife, completely stupid, or as mentally challenged as Myron. It could be all three, but I’m leaning toward mentally challenged. Considering that SARAH ZABEL IS A CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE, this is beyond disturbing.
So, I’m guessing that CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL’S excuse for not showing up at any of the code board hearings was that she wasn’t “properly noticed.” How convenient for Myron and a CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE.
The rest of Myron’s weeping tale of woe is a defense of all the code violations he himself has committed, and he closes with a request to have his “case” heard before a Special Magistrate.
That’s ‘cuz Myron is so special. He’s special, all right. He’s a Special Kind of Stupid.
Next, click on Exhibit Index and you’ll see a long laundry list of stuff that Myron has uploaded or intends to upload to his website. Items of interest to note are: (C) Vallejo/Kenneth DeFillipo Campaign Report Excerpts. Considering that both George Vallejo and Kenneth DeFillipo challenged Myron for the mayor’s seat in May of 2011, and that during the run off between Myron and George, Kenny threw his support behind George, this is one big DUH! The truth is Myron STILL can’t believe he lost the election and he STILL is after George and Kenny for taking his crown. SORE LOSER!
And then there’s (D) Letter by Jessica Rosner. This is the letter Myron wrote for Little Jessica to sign, crying about big, bad Anthony DeFillipo and resident Bert Kehren making her cry so he could use her “letter” as campaign literature.
Since Myron is again trotting out Little Jessica and using his own daughter AGAIN for nefarious purposes, let me remind my readers that on election day, Myron dumped Jessica and her then nine year old sister at the Eastern Shores polling place for TWELVE STRAIGHT HOURS WITH NO ADULT SUPERVISION. As I wrote in a column about that day addressed to Little Jessica, “Furthermore, you and your siblings obviously have never been taught that children have no business in adult conversations or situations. While at the polls, you kept inserting yourself into discussions into which you were neither invited nor welcome. If you heard anything that was said about your father it was because you should not have been eavesdropping into those conversations in the first place. In fact, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AT THE POLLS IN THE FIRST PLACE! The two gentlemen you are making false accusations against did NOT call your father a criminal, so this means YOU ARE A LIAR! Welcome to the Adult World, Jessica Naomi Rosner. Aren’t you glad you crashed the party?”
Instead of realizing that a polling place was no place for minor children to be hanging around for TWELVE STRAIGHT HOURS WITH NO ADULT SUPERVISION, two weeks later on run off election day, Myron and CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL DID IT AGAIN! They forced their minor children to campaign for Myron AGAIN at the polling place for TWELVE STRAIGHT HOURS WITH NO ADULT SUPERVISION.
Parents of the Year they are not! Can you believe THAT WOMAN IS A CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE? I know I can’t.
Myron’s Exhibit lists a bunch of other residents’ names, so you might want to click the link to see if you’re one of the lucky ones by whom Myron imagines he’s being persecuted.
The page for “Resident Issues & Concerns” is “Under Construction.”
The page for “Business Issues & Concerns” is “Under Construction.”
Skip down to “Public Records Freedom of Information” and you’ll be treated to an “Alleged Violation of Report Form” so you, too, can rat on your neighbors in the name of “Citizens United for Truth and Equitable Government.” Um, yeaaaaaah. Sorry, Mryon. You’d be the only stupid son of a bitch in North Miami Beach that does this shit. I’m just saying.
The page for “Complaints Filed with NMB Code Compliance” is “Under Construction.”
But the most disturbing page of all is the link for “Political Issues & Concerns.” Click on that and you’ll immediately see ……. ME!
Myron stole the picture of me from my own website, included the link, and also plagiarized an excerpt from one of my columns about libel. Not surprised since Myron thinks nothing of taking credit for things other people do.
Above his homage to ME is a link to a complaint he filed against City Planner Chris Heid.
Under ME is a comment, “The Steve Pizzillo (Councilwomen Marlen Martell’s husband) Fiasco What this cost the taxpayers already, and how it will bite residents and business owners in the future,” with a link that is “Coming soon!” (Exclamation mark included because that got Myron REALLY excited!!!)
Well, that’s the tour of Myron’s new website. As you can see, aside from being obsessed with yours truly, Myron is obsessed with getting back at everyone who, in his warped and dangerous mind, did something to him. Anything. Even if it’s just something conjured up by the committee in his head.
Folks, if this alone doesn’t give you an idea of exactly how twisted Myron has become over the years, nothing will. If his wife, CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL has even an inkling of her husband’s mental illness, she should not let him outside unsupervised. Then again, why she is still married to such a crazy jackass is probably one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Unless, of course, she’s also a Special Kind of Stupid.
Yeah, that must be it.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Has anyone noticed that at the bottom of his website’s home page the disclaimer reads: “This site is not affiliated or an official site of the City of North Miami or any other government or affiliate organization…” Maybe it’s not NMB the idiot is trying to victimize after all.
I see what you mean! Maybe he’s trying to insinuate that he IS affiliated with NMB. Hmmmmm…..