NOTE: Since I published this blog, I received an email from Rhonda Sibilia of the Ethics Commission. This issue IS confusing, and she wanted me to clarify exactly what Mr. Centorino’s position is. Here is what Ms. Sibilia stated:
We are very grateful for your support on this issue. The way it’s being presented is VERY confusing — especially if you read the legal wording going before the County Commission next week (item 10 A 4). Just to clarify, we DON’T want the Commission to approve the proposed change to the Citizen’s Bill of Rights as it’s being presented. Rather, we hope the County Commission will amend it to how it originally passed the task force in May and include ALL of the cities (Option ‘B’ in Joe’s e-mail).
Thanks, Rhonda
If any of you have ever tried to file a complaint against an unethical elected official, you already know how difficult it is to bring the perpetrator to justice. The worst that usually happens, assuming anything at all happens, is that the dirtbag gets a slap on the wrist and a token fine. Usually, however, cases are dismissed almost as fast as they’re filed. The complete and utter lack of meaningful consequences sends a huge message to the politicians of Miami-Dade County that they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Ethics be damned!
Well, it’s about to get even worse.
In case you missed today’s Miami Herald letters section, Joseph M. Centorino, the Executive Director of the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust (stop laughing!), published Citizens’ Bill of Rights should be enforced. The letter begins:
“The members of the Charter Review Task Force, working with limited time and resources, have produced some worthy proposals for Miami-Dade voters to consider at the polls this year. Unfortunately, one of the more promising measures — to permit the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust to enforce the Citizens’ Bill of Rights with real penalties — was gutted by an amendment inserted in the waning minutes of its final meeting without prior notice and with a bare quorum present.
The amendment creates a gaping loophole exempting municipal officials from the penalties if their cities happen to have existing charter provisions that provide for the filing of a civil lawsuit as the sole remedy for such violations.
Instead of gaining the benefit of ready access to the county Ethics Commission for relief, people residing in those municipalities will be forced to incur the expense and inconvenience of hiring an attorney and litigating the issue in circuit court. This will, in effect, deny a remedy for a violation of the Citizens’ Bill of Rights to a citizen unable to afford the expense of litigation.
The residents of Miami, Miami Beach, North Miami, North Miami Beach, Pinecrest, South Miami and Sunny Isles Beach stand to lose if the amended version of the proposal appears on the ballot.”
Needless to say, because of our cities’ existing charter provisions, those of us who live in North Miami, North Miami Beach, and five other municipalities, are about to get royally screwed. And, trust me. We are not getting kissed.
According to Mr. Centorino’s letter, the Task Force initially wanted to strengthen the county’s Citizens’ Bill of Rights, but in the final analysis, a “weakened and flawed version passed” where those living in unincorporated Miami-Dade County “and those municipalities where the enhanced penalties would apply” are basically left out in the cold.
An activist in North Miami sent an email to Joe Centorino, stating:
Your letter to the Editor in today’s paper was very informative and distressing.
1. Can our commissioners reverse this before it is too late?
2. Can the City’s Bill of Rights make a provision to be able to go to the County Ethics Commission or a court of law. (We have just started a complete review and restructure of the City Charter.)
Mr. Centorino wrote back:
In answer to your questions:
1. The County Commission will be taking up this matter at its July 17 meeting next week. Because this matter did not receive an affirmative vote of ¾ of the task force (15 members), it cannot go automatically on the ballot. It must be endorsed by the County Commission which can a) accept the measure in the form recommended by the task force b) amend it to include all municipalities c) kill the whole idea completely. I am hopeful that the Commissioners will get the message and restore the prior version.
2. North Miami, or any city, can always change its charter to provide for enforcement by the Ethics Commission, but, as we all know, that is not always an easy process and is subject to possible political manipulation. The best course is to get the county to do it since it comes from the county charter and should, in theory, be applicable to all municipalities. However, in the event that the limited version is the one that gets passed, residents of the uncovered municipalities can certainly begin the process of changing their respective charters to opt in.
Joe Centorino
I even made it easy for you with this handy-dandy email/phone number list.
You can contact the Mayor at:
Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez,, 305-375-5071
You can contact the Commission as follows:
Chairman Joe A. Martinez, 305-375-5511
District 1: Barbara J. Jordan,, 305-375-5694
District 2: Jean Monestime,, 305-375-4833
District 3: Audrey Edmonson,, 305-375-5393
District 4: Sally A. Heyman,, 305-375-5128
District 5: Bruno A. Barreiro,, 305-643-8525
District 6: Rebeca Sosa,, 305-375-5696
District 7: Xavier L. Suarez,, 305-375-5680
District 8: Lynda Bell,, 305-375-5218
District 9: Dennis C. Moss,, 305-375-4832
District 10: Javier D. Souto,, 305-375-4835
District 11: Joe A. Martinez,, 305-552-1155
District 12: Jose “Pepe” Diaz,, 305-375-4343
District 13: Esteban Bovo, Jr.,, 305-375-4831
I cannot stress to you the importance of taking action on this issue IMMEDIATELY! If you think it’s hard enough now to hold unethical elected officials accountable for their actions, just wait until the citizens of our city have even less power.
This should not be acceptable to you and I strongly urge you to make those calls and send those letters NOW!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Good job, Stephanie.
Thank you for making it so easy to contact our county commissioners.
Except for all the good it will do us! It gets worse every day! And with at least 10 months left in office, good luck to us in North Miami.
You’re welcome, Carol. I just hope people follow through!
As always Stephanie thanks for doing our homework for us. North Miami Fun Fact:July 10th, 2012 Council mtg agenda item under Resolutions, Tab N Proposed resolution designating NW 11th Ave from NW 119th St to NW 135th St to be known as ” Commissioner Jean Monestime Avenue ” Authorizing the City Manager to allocate and expend the necessary funds to cover the costs for signage, and do all necessary things to effectuate the designation. Sponsored by Mayor Andre D. Pierre, Esq. I don’t know the outcome since I was unable to attend and the minutes are not yet posted on the city website. Not sure how much help our “Commish” will be but will do my part. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
eMail sent to all.
It passed. We will now have ” Commissioner Jean Monestime Avenue ” Lets all ask him to do something about the rampant corruption in North Miami after the criminals decided to name a street after him. Good luck with that!
eMail sent to all
Thanks, David!
Let us know if or what reply you hear from Comm Monestime. This should be good!
I will post any responses that I do receive. Feel free to share if you receive any as well.
The email to District 2 was returned because I spelled it wrong! I’ll resend. Please make sure you type addresses correctly. Unlike me LOL!
And District 2 is who? Jean Monestime! LMFAO to the 10th power! Somehow I doubt it’s a spelling error!
So check this out. The first time I sent it to (spelling Miami wrong). I corrected it and sent it again. IT CAME BACK AGAIN! I guess Mr. Monestime doesn’t want to be found.
WOW! Try sending a congrats about ” Comm Jean Monestime Ave ” maybe that one will go thru!
Girl, you are too funny! You should be writing blogs for votersopinion. Let me know when you’re ready!!
Almost, I mean ALMOST missing Dorrin Rolle about now. LOL!
I received the following response from Commission Chairman Joe A. Martinez:
Dear Ms. Kienzle,
Thank you for writing the Chairman regarding your views and concerns. Please be assured that your message will be relayed to him.
Again thank you and have a great day,
Natasha Santos
Administrative Assistant
Office of Chairman Joe A. Martinez
Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners
Downtown: phone 305-375-5511; Fax 305-375-5883
111 NW First Street, Suite 220
Miami, Florida 33128
District Office: phone 305-552-1155; fax 305-552-0577