That would be the very same Myron Rosner who used to occupy the mayoral seat at North Miami Beach City Hall before he was unceremoniously dumped and replaced by newcomer George Vallejo in his virgin run for office.
Being the new kid on the political block, not too many people knew much about George, but they were willing to risk their vote on a virtual unknown in order to depose a tyrant. And what a tyrant Myron was!
You won’t be surprised to learn that even though Myron was stripped of his political power he’s still a tyrant. Since being ousted in May of 2011, Myron obviously has plenty of time on his pudgy little hands – enough time to think up new and unusual ways to piss people off. If he has nursed any thoughts of running for office again, as it’s rumored, he’s not exactly gonna win votes by his latest insane rampage.
As I mentioned in Joke of the Day, Myron has been coming around to city council meetings to annoy anyone within 50 feet of his despicable presence. At the last council meeting he stated that he formed a non-profit corporation by the name of Citizens United for Truth and Equitable Government, Inc. During public comment, which you can watch on the city’s website by scrolling to hour 26:18, he announced his name, qualifying it with “former mayor of North Miami Beach.” As if we could forget!

He then admonished City Attorney Darcee Siegel for not calling him back to discuss his appeal against the city, and then announced that he’s come back to tell “his story so that it’ll never happen again to another, whether it’s an elected official or a resident of this city.”
He then complained that there is no section on the Agenda for “former mayor comments.” WTF???
Hey, Myron! YOU’RE GONE! YOU WERE DETHRONED! What part of OUSTED do you not understand?
He then announced he has a new website,, for people who would like to go online and read all about his package. OMIGOD THAT IS SO GROSS!
Excuse me, I just got queazy.
Puh-LEEZE do not tell me we are going to be subjected to an entire website devoted to Myron’s package. That’s just wrong!
Then Myron had the CHUTZPAH to claim that activists and residents are unhappy with transparency in the city. (Yes, Myron. People just hate transparency.) “We will try to put it up. We will also do the public records requests. We’ll try to put up as much information as we can.” I’m guessing that the royal “WE” is Myron and the squirrel in his pocket. Just saying.
Anyway, now let’s get back to CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL’S problem, i.e., her HUSBAND, Myron.
Just when you think the coast is clear and that Myron has sunk to the lowest depths capable of sinking by any human being on the face of the planet, he outdoes himself. I received a copy of what appears to be a Notice of Violation issued by the City of North Miami Beach’s Police Department, Code Compliance Division. At first glance, it looks like an official Notice of Violation, complete with blank spaces in which to fill the Zone Section, Code Section, and Description of the Violation, and boxes to be checked as to what part of your property is in Violation of the code. This apparent Notice of Violation then directs the recipient to contact the city council and staff, listing names and phone numbers of the Mayor, Council members, City Attorney, City Manager and Code Enforcement person.
Upon closer inspection, however, you will notice that it says in big letters “Notice of Alleged Violation,” followed by microscopic letters stating “reported to the,” followed by big letters again stating “City of North Miami Beach’s Police Department, Code Compliance Division.”
This is apparently done to purposely fool the recipient into thinking he has broken the law and is in violation of something.
The rest of the fake Notice uses the word “alleges” in key places so that he can cover his ass in case a recipient has a sudden heart attack by thinking he’s in violation of the law. What a sneaky piece of shit, huh?
At the bottom of the fake Notice, Myron lists his new email address, which is and his website There is no distancing Myron from these fake Notices now. CUTEG is apparently the acronym for his corporation, Citizens United for Truth and Equitable Government, Inc., but there’s nothing CUTE about it.
Can you possibly imagine the time and energy, not to mention the warped thinking, that went into this scheme? No, you probably cannot. BECAUSE NO NORMAL PERSON WOULD COME UP WITH THIS CRAZY SHIT!
We need no further proof that Myron is not only NOT NORMAL, but that he has, in fact, finally gone over the deep edge.
CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL has a problem. A normal woman would see this and do something about it. Unless she’s just as insane.
Evoking the Baker Act comes to mind.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
What a sad little man to spend so much time and energy to exact revenge upon his perceived enemies. Dude…get cable.
If the City of North Miami Beach does not have an ordinance for someone being a “Public Nuisance”, they should consider one now just to protect the residents of North Miami Beach from “SICK BOY”.
Myron’s behavior gives handicapped people a BAD name.
Also, during the last election in NMB, CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL (Myron’s wife) was willing to put her children in possible harm’s way.
She dropped off her children at a polling site in Eastern Shores alone for the SECOND time after the controversy of the younger ones being left alone UNSUPERVISED the first time it was done.
As far as I am concerned, putting children in possible harm’s way to prove your point does not show GOOD JUDGEMENT, especially for CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL!
Now that’s just plain SICK!