Dictionary.com defines “libel” as:
1. Law .
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it.
c. a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
2. anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.
In my column of June 7, 2012, Playing Identity Politics, I discussed how one Karyne S. Pompilus, President, Director and Registered Agent of Actions for Better Future, Inc., keeps coming before the North Miami Beach City Council asking for money for her alleged non-profit organization. Yesterday, July 3, 2012, Ms. Pompilus weighed in by posting comments to my blog.
While most of her comments are just nonsense, I think the point she was trying to make was that the Haitian people haven’t been given a fair shake. I responded to several of her comments with my opinion. The back and forth exchange continued for a bit until she posted a libelous comment, at which point I advised her that she committed slander and that she’d be hearing from my attorney.
In my anger and haste, I confused libel with slander, which is written as opposed to verbal, but the point is that Ms. Pompilus made an outrageously false statement about the North Miami Beach Little League, as follows:
“Those who put the $10,000.00 check from NMB for the little baseball league’s to their personal acount [sic].”
I do not know if Ms. Pompilus is aware of my history as the former president of the NMB Little League. Since I have not been a member of that organization since 2008, I doubt she does, so I’m pretty sure her libel wasn’t directed at me personally. I am, however, very protective of the Little League, not only as a former parent, board member and president, but also because the North Miami Beach Little League provides an outstanding, professionally run organization for the children of our community. The Little League has partnered with the City of North Miami Beach for over forty years – unlike the various and sundry “charities” in the guise of non-profit corporations that come around for a handout ostensibly “for the children.”
Ms. Pompilus’ statement was not only blatantly false, but it besmirches an international organization that prides itself on its reputation for excellence, leadership, integrity and service to communities all over the world. How dare she?
Until Ms. Pompilus started coming around asking for money “for the children,” I had never heard of Actions for Better Future, Inc., which was formed in 2004. Its own website makes all kinds of grandiose claims and boasts, yet there is not one mention of any success story on any of its webpages. I am not asserting that this organization doesn’t do what it claims it does, but it doesn’t exactly spell out its accomplishments, either. I’m just saying.
For her to accuse anyone in the North Miami Beach Little League of putting donated money into their own pocket is shockingly defamatory and a contemptible lie. Where on earth did she come up with such an insinuation? Perhaps she knows her own tricks best? I’m just saying.
In response to her scurrilous accusation, I advised Ms. Pompilus that she’d be hearing from my attorney. In a telephone conference with a lawyer representing the League this morning, he advised me to demand that Ms. Pompilus produce proof, in writing, of her allegations that the North Miami Beach Little League acted with impropriety and misused money it received from the city. Barring any evidence that she could possibly conjure up, on behalf of the North Miami Beach Little League, Inc., I am demanding that she retract her statement immediately, in writing.
Ms. Karyne S. Pompilus, you are hereby put on notice that if you cannot back up your statement with actual and physical proof of wrongdoing, it is incumbent upon you to withdraw your comment forthwith. Your failure to do so will result in legal action.
It would also behoove you to offer a sincere apology to the current President and all the members of the Board of Directors of the North Miami Beach Little League, Inc. She is awaiting your response, as is her attorney.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
A nostalgic of the old times, is trying to intimidated, those who fought of their lives to do what they preach and preach what they do. My pride and my dignity is not for sale.
Lawyer? Really!
What ‘s a theory, if they want to apply it everyone, we will not have only children in cells, but many adults too. Those who put the $10,000.00 check from NMB for the little baseball league’s to their personal acount. If they set an example at that time, today, the city will have less false organization, and fewer young criminals. They have no fear, because they see adults running their official gangs and making easy money with no consequences.
There you go again with the false accusations. You really do have more nerve than brains. Are you, by any chance, related to Myron?
Ms. Karyne Sylvestre-Pompilus,
My name is Erica Chao. I am the current North Miami Beach Little League President. You stated in your comment that some unknown person(s) have taken funds belonging to the Little League (provided by the City of NMB) and have placed them in their personal accounts.
“Those who put the $10,000.00 check from NMB for the little baseball league’s to their personal acount.”
Please feel free to email me at playball@nmbll.org or call me at 786-449-9895 to discuss this matter with any and all proof that you may have regarding this. If you do not have said proof than I respectfully request that you retract your unfounded statement and issue a public apology.
The VOLUNTEERS of the North Miami Beach Little League devote so many countless hours of their time to the children of the community that you could not even begin to imagine and apparently appreciate. None of these VOLUNTEERS receives any compensation for their time or their work. It is sad and unfortunate that you would attack a long standing non-profit organization that teaches children life skills including good sportsmanship and helps to keep them off the street.
Ms. Karyne Sylvestre-Pompilus, I await your email and/or call and PUBLIC RETRACTION and APOLOGY!
Erica Chao
President, NMBLL
“Karyne Sylvestre-Pompilus says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:53 pm
A nostalgic of the old times, is trying to intimidated, those who fought of their lives to do what they preach and preach what they do. My pride and my dignity is not for sale.”
Five dollars to anyone who can explain WTF she’s talking about.
I think it means “English is my third language.”
English is my third language, too.
I wish that I met you at another occasion, if only you take times to educate yourself on Haitian issues may be your approach will be different. If you didn’t find some bad Haitians to give you the opportunity to show your arrogance toward my community, you could be very useful. But, you know I am not this kind of person to seattle my rights, those who are right must be right and those who are wrong should accept their guilt. I am very good at that the way that you approach is the way that I receive you. NMB’s money can’t be more important than the kids, attorney if you are you could understand my messages have never prioritized money. You are in mission, you think what you are doing to some Haitians, you can do it to every single Haitian. I am HAITIAN and I will never lose my “H”. Respect my respect because I deserve it. “I ALWAYS RESPECT MYSELF AND OTHERS”.
mytwosense says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:11 pm
No one is intimidating you, Stephanie is just trying to explain to you, and if you would read her statements and not read what you think she is saying, you might just learn something about the law. What you said in her blog is libelous. I’m sure you have absolutely no proof of your statements regarding the NMB Little League. Whether she or the organization will go forward with legal action is beyond me, but perhaps you might want to learn NOW rather than later how to stop that possibility. How would you know of this information about the NMBLL anyway? You do not live in this community. Shall I suppose the good councilman on the right end of the dais is feeding you this false information? And why are there so many organizations to help the youth of any particular race? In these tough economic times and even when times were better, can’t you all pull together and join forces? North Miami Beach already has at least one viable organization called PANZOU Project. http://www.panzouproject.org/
I’m sure you can work with them to do your very important mission of giving proper attention and pro active solutions to the issue that seems to be plaguing many of the youth in the communities around us. North Miami Beach has excellent youth activities and the parents that care have their children attending them. A good portion of these children are Haitian. In fact the after school program and the camps have a diverse population where every child can learn something different from one another. Why does it have to be all one group, as your organization seems to only focus on. All children get in trouble not just Haitian children. Anyway, NMB takes pride in our children and they do everything they can for them. If they stick with the programs here, they will turn out just fine.
I do know PANZOU and I am not dupliacating any project. If you care more about money than the kids that is fine. With all the respects for this organization because I know how much services do kids need, I don’t see any improvement and PANZOU will never be able to do it alone. What is NMB’s problem, no Haitian professional can’t help his or her community? Who really cares about NMB’s money, is money more important than improving lives? Lawsuit??? WOW,!
Notice how she throws in “if you care more about money than the kids.” This is an attempt to make you feel guilty for not throwing every single dime of tax payer money at “the kids.” Then she turns around and claims “it’s not about the money.” BULLSHIT! It’s always all about the money. That’s how these alleged “non-profits” stay in business – government shake downs. Don’t fall for it! Two other alleged “non-profits” are housed in the same building in NMB and have already gouged the LETF for a combined $14,000.00, and they are all related to each other. See my previous blogs about them. Has anyone followed up to find out how that $14,000.00 was spent? Ask Pompilus to show proof that this newest “non-profit” has helped even one kid in NMB. I’m betting she can’t do that. More than likely this is all just one big scam, and the taxpayers will continued to be fleeced.
So we, the non-Haitians of North Miami Beach, have to give your organization money to keep us safe from Haitian gang members? and we have to pay for their jail expenses? and we have to pay for police protection? and we have to pay for parks and recreation? The village does not help me to raise my child. I am on my own, and struggling. Can I make a non-profit organization and run it out of 1733 NE 162 street and get money to help my kids too?
Ms. Pompilus, are you Haitian or are you Haitian American? Why do you always leave the word “American” out of the equation when you identify your self and your community?
Why the necessity of having to hyphenate one’s nationality at all? This is America. We are all supposed to be Americans. If Ms. Pompilus refuses to consider herself as an American, perhaps she’d be happier back in Haiti. I’m just saying.
Show your face, lady, you have nothing to hide! This kind of illness is hard to be cured
Sick, sick, sick, my country of origin makes me a target at North Miami Beach. What’s a SHAME!
Actually, your country of origin has nothing to do with it. Your stupidity, arrogance and sense of entitlement is beyond anything we’ve ever seen. On top of that, you’re bat shit crazy. But, keep going, okay? You’re providing lots of entertainment for me and my regular readers. We all get to see insanity in action.
You don’t know ICE phone number? Why don’t you call immigration of get me back? 15th century lady!
WTF? Like I said…bat shit crazy LOL!
That will be wiser to spend money to prevent jail imstead of spending money to incarcarated them. You try to make it sounds like Haitians and Haitians only and you know that is wrong. What will you prefer, let you go to talk about Haitian issues? Fine, just do it.
You too smart to undertand immigrants’ context and to make a difference between community issues and personal issues.
Again… WTF are you talking about? There really is something wrong with you, and the language barrier has nothing to do with it. The thing is, you are way too ignorant to even begin to understand what you look and sound like to normal people. Wow, you really are a special kind of crazy.
NMB’S money doesn’t belong to you, nor does it belong to “your community.” NMB’s money belongs to the taxpaying residents, which they pay for services for themselves. That is the purpose of a municipality. I am not doing anything to “some Haitians” or “any Haitians” whatsoever. Your problem is that you think everything belongs to “your community,” when in fact, you lied (or were stupidly confused) when you claimed that “Haitians” make up 36% of North Miami Beach. Residents of Haitian descent or nationality, be they Americans or legal residents, make up less than 20% of the population of North Miami Beach. And even if they made up more than 20%, which they do not, they would not be entitled to any more of anything than the rest of the residents in North Miami Beach. The problem isn’t that you’re Haitian. The problem is that you are arrogant and believe you’re entitled to that which is not yours. YOU DON’T EVEN LIVE HERE OR PAY TAXES HERE! Haitians aren’t the problem. You are the problem.
You really like to use stupid, how smart are you, lady?
Oh, she’s from Seattle. Well, that explains everything.
Yeah, you caught that. WTF? LOL!!!
English is not my first language, and I have tired hard to comprehend the last three comments, even thinking in a foreign language, and I cannot make any sense whatsoever of what this Pompilus person is trying to say. it seems like the more frustrated she gets, the less sense she makes; maybe she needs to sit back and relax before her next post…
Too late. She is incapable of making sense or seeing anything outside her limited scope of reality.
I used to think that ignorance and arrogance were mutually exclusive character flaws. I just didn’t understand what stupid people had to be arrogant about. A good friend of mine, who has taught plenty of stupid kids for over thirty years set me straight by stating that stupid people don’t know they’re stupid. They don’t know what they don’t know, and therefore, they have no capability of understanding that there is so much more to learn. Once a stupid person thinks he knows everything there is to know, he simply cannot comprehend an entire world of knowledge that he refuses to admit exists beyond his limited view. And once a stupid person believes he is knows all, he arrogantly assumes that no one else knows more than he does. Hence, ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand.
The comments made by Ms. Pompilus are so outlandish and so disconnected from reality, I must assume she is either on some sort of medication or that she is, in fact, one of the stupidest people I have ever encountered. She certainly is arrogant enough to lead one to the latter conclusion.
In any event, since she stubbornly insists that she has every right to make false and libelous accusations against a credible organization and/or individuals representing that organization without the responsibility of having to prove such allegations, she will inevitably find herself outside the very law at which she arrogantly scoffs.
“Lawyers?” she mockingly asks, as if she were immune to the consequences of her actions. Yes, madam, lawyers. This is America. I don’t know how they do things in Haiti, but here we have a legal system made up of laws, both civil and criminal. When one breaks the law, be it civil or criminal, one must be held accountable.
Yes, indeed, we are living in a legal society and I believe justice could be served to anyone. One says, the biggest problem with smart people is, “they don’t know what they do not know”. What is your name again? ‘Is it NMB?”, “Little league?” or “$10,000?” What would give you the rights to call on my name, publish my picture, swagger my words, make fun about everything that I could say to help NMB where my two biological kids grew up that I consider as my first home in the U.S., and a group that I know better that everything else in my life to progress together.
This is really wrong to ask NMB council members to improve their relationships with their constituents because the majority of group that I belong to are not English speakers and email’s contact will make it worst due to the financial hardship and others factors? And to explain generally with immigrants who do not master yet their new language could easily find friends, relatives, neighbors or community service providers to make a phone call or go to meet an elect official to address their situation when necessary. Is it so sophisticated for you as a super smart or superior mind lady to understand? Is it because I am Haitian or less than a person that I can’t say that to the council? Is it not a racial profiling case? Is it legal in your legal system?
I know that I come from a failing state, but that does make of me a failing person and that doesn’t make of me less than anyone on earth. In a legal system do all ethnic groups have the same rights and the same needs? For the same rights the answer is yes, all humans may have the same basic needs, but groups’ needs may vary from each and other based on many others factors may your superiority doesn’t help you to learn. How many lawyers will sue me for reacting to a comment where you pretended “What should be done about the Haitian young criminal in North Miami Beach is to incarcerate them, then their parents”? In a country where 40% of young black men are in jail instead being in college, how many more young Haitian boys as blacks do you want to be added by doing or saying nothing?
Your theory of putting parents in jail, again, do you think it should be applied only to Haitians while in this legal society of NMB other people have cashed checks that belong to organizations through their personal accounts with no consequences; or refunds?
Lady, you better wake-up, we are in the 21s century. You will have a lot to learn about chances of attitudes and behaviors. Everything happens for a reason, I didn’t choose my country; my country chose me. I didn’t choose to leave it either 12 years ago but I was forced to do so. My God will never work against me, he knows better and you and I. All my respects to Americans who work very hard to build a country where people like me can rebuild their lives. And I am dedicated to do all the good things that I can to help in every way that I could to make of America a better place than I found it. That is why; I choose to work with challenged kids who become more challenged when they are dealing with people who do not understand and respect their culture.
Why should you care if I add Haitian-American or Haitian? Being Haitian or Haitian-American can’t make me more or less than a person. I laugh at you, reading your expressions “stupid people”. Lady, please they no longer use this type of expressions because there is, in fact no stupid person. Someone may be less intelligent than another. One might have more opportunities to excel in fields where others will fail, but they are not stupid. Is a physician study because he/she doesn’t know laws? Is an American stupid if he/she doesn’t speak Creole or Chinese stupid just because his/she doesn’t play sports? Some people may have the opportunities to go to schools, colleges or universities when others don’t. However, do not be surprised to see if these two categories of people had the same opportunities, they so-called stupid will be the smartest ones.
Between you and me lady, there is a great disconnect, your way of thinking will never be identical to mine in regard to respect to others, fairness, justice, challenges and opportunities. I clearly understand the differences; I favor diversity and accept challenges to advance; but racial intimidation doesn’t pass on me. I am not asking for favor, but equally of treatments and a better understanding of a community’s matters. That applies to every community, lady’s blogger you don’t know that? Nobody can solve a problem if he/she doesn’t know it; either solves it if his or her approaches are wrong.
Lady, you stated “In the 1960, I was there when the Cubans came”. At this time, I was not even born. You also talked in your previous posts about other dates, on all of them I was still in my country. I am one of the last comers, less than 12 years in a foreign country, time is more important to me than anyone else. From Haiti, the last country in this hemisphere to the U.S the top one in the world, you surely understand that I still have to study, work, help those who I think need my help and live a little bit.
I don’t have the same luxury of time as you, so I know what I am wrong now and this exercise is not healthy to me. My environment has better expectations for me than that deafen dialogue. If you want to believe community support is not important to prevent crimes, violence and incarceration and a society with less young offenders will be more beneficial to all Americans. In regard to productivity and respect to my words, I was raised differently, my family and people who know me will be shocked to know that I am wasting all my times and energy with a “Pretended superior, an out of touch, an arrogant who can’t use her brains but only her lowest reflexes, a fifteen century lady”. Lady, I am a problem solver, I don’t watch reality shows, I do my own actions, I don’t kill my times, I use my times instead. Honestly, I feel embarrassed to follow you on that way, I always say to kids, never do things that they will be ashamed to let other people know about. Also, I will never advise to anyone to waste his/her like that. You are making of me a liar to my own face. I am preaching to kids to be productive, to take charge of their lives and never follow other folk’s bad behaviors. Look at me now, my own kids will be so disappointed if they know about this wasting of times with you, even the bible teaches me otherwise, “If you offer God to someone who refuses just leave him/her alone”.
I expressed my views to the council and you disagreed that sets. This is a democratic society, you are entitled to your opinions; so am I. When you feel ready for the lawsuit, just get it done. When you finish dreaming; you might realize in a democratic society not only one person or a group of people has the right to sue. If, this is a crime for me to address the youth’s violence issue before the council, just next time ask the city police to arrest me. Let me conclude, lady, “All children deserved to be loved; even it is easier to love a good child than a challenged one”. The youths are the futures of America, regardless their race, religious backgrounds or political affiliations, may you respect all of them as God loves all of them!
Karyne Sylvestre-Pompilus, please read and respond to my comment above. I am requesting that you immediately cease your accusations against the NMBLL if you cannot provide proof.
Erica Chao,
President, NMBLL
The only comment you made even worth my time responding to is that “40% of young black men are in jail instead being in college.” COMPLETELY WRONG! In an article written in 2005 by a black journalist for USA Today, DeWayne Wickham writes,
“Young blacks: Prison vs. college
Myth No. 3: There are more black men in prison than in college.
This is an unfair comparison. According to a report issued Monday by the American Council on Education, 635,198 black men, the vast majority ages 18 to 24, attended higher education institutions in 2001, the last year for which this data is available. Of the 803,400 black men in the nation’s state and federal prisons and local jails in 2001, just 189,200 were 18 to 24 years old. Nearly 76% of these black inmates were 25 and older, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported.
So the more accurate statement is this: There are more than three times as many college-age black men attending higher education institutions than are locked up in this nation’s jails and prisons.”
In addition, according to the 2010 census (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html), blacks represent 13.1% of the population. According to the Department of Justice (http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2009/offenses/expanded_information/data/shrtable_03.html), blacks committed 37.4% of murders in 2009.
When 13.1% of the population commits 37.4% of all murders, even you have to admit there’s a problem. So-called racial profiling doesn’t cause people to murder people.
As to the rest of your comments, they are so laughable, outlandish and ridiculous they’re not even worth a response.
I cannot believe I am trying to understand the comments from Karyne Sylvestre-Pompilus.
Of course anyone can go in front of the NMB council and ask for money to fund their programs.
But, the way the economy is right now, has caused NMB City officials and residents to go through the city’s budget with a fine tooth comb to cut expenses so they do not go bankrupt.
I cannot agree with the expense to the city of NMB to finance a program for just Haitian children. I feel any monies spent towards helping children should be for ALL the children in the city.
If Karyne Sylvestre-Pompilus wants to help Haitian children at risk, I suggest she might want to try going after the Dade County School system to assist her.
Over 40% of my taxes are going to the “Dade County School Board” with NO accountability on how it is spent.
The school system has known for years that the majority of “Problem Children” come from homes that the child is the only member of the family that understands and speaks English.
The children become the parents only because they can communicate with the outside world.
The REAL parents are at the English speaking child’s mercy and have to trust the child is always telling them the truth….NOT!
There is a story about a student that attended NMB Senior High. He told his mother for years that the F’s he was getting on his report card meant that was doing fine and the F’s meant “Fabulous”.
This story always brings a smile to teachers and school administrators when told, but that’s it……..just ”A SMILE”.
No actions ever taken from any administrators in the school system……”Just a Smile”.
I do have a few “Golden Nuggets” of wisdom for Karyne Sylvestre-Pompilus to ponder,
•Maybe you should be careful on how you express yourself in any language. NOT because you are Haitian because you could be misconstrued.
•Pick your battles. Arguing with someone that could help you makes you appear to be punching yourself in the face.
•Go after the “Guilty Ones”, like Stephanie Kienzle does. She investigates and reports back to the residents of NMB in her blogs about possible and absolute corruption in the political arena. God help you if you are a sleazebag stealing from the City of NMB and she catches you.
•If you accuse someone or an organization of wrong doing make DAMN sure you have proof and NOT like “GRANDSTANDING Frantz P” does at council meetings or behind the public’s eye.
•Try to understand you constantly use the term Haitian and it makes YOU look very racist. It does not matter to me where you are from.
•Do you think someone that only addresses Haitian problems can understand the concept that addresses the public as a whole? In other words, stop being so self-centered and start fighting for all the children.
•Watch out for which political figures you go for help and get involved with. Just because they may be Haitian and you feel comfortable talking with them does not mean they won’t lie to you.
•Finally, you do owe someone an apology if you cannot provide proof of your slanderous statement, no matter if you think so or not.
Whoa, and I thought this was going to be easy……………NOT!
If you want to help at risk Haitian children’s self-esteem, may I suggest you find out why the Capital of Haiti still lays in ruins after millions of dollars have been given to them to rebuild.
You might find corrupt government officials as being the real problem…………..you know, like the type you appear to be getting your bogus information from.
I’m just saying…lol!
I find it interesting that Ms. Karyne Sylvestre-Pompilus refuses to acknowledge or answer my post requesting proof of her absurd accusations or to retract and publicly apologize for such false accusations. I guess her refusal is proof that she has none. Way to try to tarnish the reputation of such a wonderful organization.
Erica Chao,
President, NMBLL
She will continue to ignore you because you have caught her in one of her many lies. The same way she lied to the Mayor and Council by claiming that the Haitian population was 36 or 37 percent of North Miami Beach. She completely ignored me when I corrected her by quoting actual U.S. Census Bureau figures, which states that Haitians comprise less than 20% of NMB. Ms. Pompilus is obviously used to making up shit as she goes along and doesn’t expect to be questioned as to whether or not she’s stating the truth. She reminds me so much of her friend, Frantz Pierre (yes, THAT Frantzie), who is also a liar and who has also been known to falsely accuse people of things they never did. Water really does seek its own level!
As for her lies about the Little League, your attorney will most likely have to file charges of libel against her. Talking to her and treating her like an intelligent and rational human being will obviously get you nowhere. While it is astounding to normal people that she cannot comprehend her malfeasance and refuses to apologize for it, people like her are incapable of knowing right from wrong, and they are oblivious to any outside counsel. (Notice how when she has no defense whatsoever, she pulls out the handy dandy race card.) People like her only understand the consequences of her actions when they are court ordered to pay for damages.
With all due respect to all readers and posters; let’s not forget that this same type of argument is what almost tore us apart as a city once before. Just like at that time, the person that brought up accusation of racial discrimination against our elected officials, did it for personal rather than communal gain, and anyone trying to counter the charge, only made it worse as tensions and mistrust increased with each comment. The individual that did this last, eventually found that neither he nor his outlook on life belong in our city, he moved away and we all moved on. This time around, as in the past, those of us who truly love EVERY aspect of this city, will come out ahead. And weather this new “accuser” moves away or not, she will eventually figure out that the rest of us have moved on, and left her behind. Perhaps we can close with this thought.
Here’s the thing. When I wrote the first blog about Karyne Pompilus, I quoted her verbatim. Every other word out of her mouth was “my community,” “the Haitian community,” “my people,” “Haitian” this and “Haitian” that. She has absolutely no concern for people of any other race or nationality. Yet, when I reiterate her own words…
…she calls me a racist.
She made up lies about the population of North Miami Beach, greatly exaggerating the percentage of “Haitians” as 36%. When I point out the actual statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, which reflects a “Haitian” population here of less than 20%…
…she calls me a racist.
She makes a patently false and defamatory statement about members of the NMB Little League and refuses to retract it. When I told her there are laws against libel…
…she calls me a racist.
When I point out examples of her arrogance…
…she calls me a racist.
When I question her intelligence because she makes zero sense whatsoever…
…she calls me a racist.
You see where I’m going with this? Whenever people like Karyne Pompilus don’t have an adequate response or a rational defense, they pull out the race card.
Instead of admitting she was wrong about her made up “statistics,” or her lack of compassion for anyone who isn’t a “Haitian,” or for falsely accusing upstanding citizen volunteers of the Little League of embezzlement, Ms. Pompilus’ ridiculous response to the truth is to call me a racist.
By insisting that the people of “her community” are the only ones in North Miami Beach worthy of receiving money and/or assistance, she has proven that the only racist around here is herself. As long as she persists in these vile and disturbing attacks on me and others, I will continue to defend the innocent with the truth. Whether she likes it or not.
Of all the blogs I can’t believe the attention this one is getting. Stop going back and forth with this nonsense as Ms. Pompilus is not interested in looking at this issue any other way. It is people like her that give the word arrogance its definition. I tried to write clearly and sensibly in my last comment without any hostile comments. I tried to make it clear enough for her to understand her actions as well as communicate the fact that NMB is taking care of “all” of their young residents with after school programs. With all of that said, she only understands what she cares to think which is that NMB has a racial problem. Ms. Pompilus, you couldn’t be farther from reality. We all embrace each other and help where we can. Right now the economy has gotten in the way, and in this case it’s a good thing because before the city gave away money for so many ridiculous organizations that showed nothing for what we gave them. Some do come back and thank the city and show their progress and what they’ve been able to do with the support, but far too many have not. The city is extra careful now with any handouts so don’t feel so isolated and move on.
It is obvious to this that Ms. Pompilus is not reading Ms. Kienzle’s (or anyone else’s) responses to her rants. She is “screaming” back and has yet to speak to any points. This is useless. The LL should get the legal proceedings started.