Month: July 2012
Government Sux. It really does.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” – President Ronald Reagan I hereby take back any nice things I’ve ever said about Broward…
You’ll soon pay for the “privilege” to read articles on
As reported by Random Pixels, soon you’ll have to pay for the Miami Herald’s online content. Since the powers that be haven’t figured out why readership of their print edition are way down, they think…
Pink Slip Katherine Fernandez-Rundle (That’s KFR to you, fellas!)
I don’t know about you, but I find it ironic that less than two weeks before the election, fighting to keep her seat, State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle suddenly cares about absentee-ballot fraud. In a recent…
Jammer’s World: What makes liberals different from conservatives?
It is obvious to me that liberals are entirely different than conservatives, but why is that? Like so many things these days I find myself thinking back to experiences that I had in the past…
The Daily Pea (A little Sunday humor ‘cuz we really need it right about now)
Princess Pea, feline advice columnist to the stars, will now take questions from her many fans. This is Princess Pea’s debut column for human admirers. Dear Princess Pea, Why do felines find Q-tips so…
Jammer’s World: Compromise is not the answer
Welcome to our brand new feature called Jammer’s World. Jammer is a guest columnist whose essays I will be posting from time to time. I hope you enjoy reading his view as much as I…
Myron Attacks!
Good morning, folks. Before I forget, please check the PublicStuff website to see if our North Miami Beach Peeping Tom EX-mayor Myron Rosner has reported you to code enforcement. He’s made his way to the…
The new Miami Herald reporter, Paradise Afshar, posted her article this morning about the latest chapter of crazy being committed by former North Miami Beach mayor Myron Rosner. As I’ve reported here on VotersOpinion in…
The Drama Queen of NMB Strikes Again!
Here we go again! I just received a copy of the latest North Miami Beach Police Department’s Internal Affairs Memorandum dated July 2, 2012. This makes the fourth one that I have read involving none…
Frantzie’s Big Adventure
I ventured out of my comfort zone on Tuesday to attend the North Miami Beach City Council meeting. Yeah, that was fun. The first hilarity occurred when I saw councilman Frantz Pierre, a/k/a L’il Frantzie…