Squirt the Wonder Cat, Rest in Peace

A little more than 22 years ago, a tiny little ball of fur came into our lives.  She was the smallest of a litter of six-toed Hemmingway cats born in our shed, hence the name Squirt.  After the litter was weaned, none of the others stayed around, not even the mama cat, but Squirt did.  She was a wild little thing, and only came around for food during the day but chose to venture out into the wild during the night.  One day she apparently got caught in the warm engine of a car and her front leg was injured pretty badly.  My husband took her to the fire station, where he bandaged her up and put a splint on her leg.  My husband and his crew nursed her back to health, and soon she was as good as new, and back roaming the ‘hood.

Squirt did not like the indoors.  We lured her in to feast, but after she had her fill, she’d wait at the back door and cry for the great outdoors.  She so loved an adventure.  Back in 1992 when we were preparing for Hurricane Andrew, Squirt was nowhere to be found.  We eventually had no choice but to board up the house and hoped for the best.  She apparently found shelter in the shed of her birth, and in the morning she was at the door waiting for breakfast.  She’d already survived a car engine – she certainly wasn’t going to let a little old hurricane get in her way.

Several years ago when Squirt started getting up there in age, I decided she’d had enough of the nightlife and that she needed to be kept indoors.  Squirt could still manage on her own, but was slowing down and I’d worry when she didn’t show up on my doorstep at the crack of dawn.  For days, maybe weeks, she would stand by the back door and meow like a tomcat to get out.  We’d pick her up, soothe her and bring her to another room in the house to distract her.  After a time, she stopped trying to go outside and settled into the life of an indoor cat.

In the last few years, Squirt had been slowing down and her age started showing in little ways.  She also started having seizures, which were controlled for the most part by thyroid medication.  Even after a particularly bad seizure, during which we were afraid she might die, she’d come back with a vengeance and meow for her dinner as if nothing happened.  The medication did help in that she had fewer and less severe seizures.  Still, Squirt kept on trucking.

Every time we thought she was ready to give up, Squirt would surprise us, leap up on the couch and be ready to rumble.  She certainly kept surprising us, especially in the last couple of years as she kept hanging on long past the usual lifespan of a cat.  She had used up her requisite nine lives long ago, and was on her eighteenth, when last night she finally decided it was time to say goodbye.

Squirt was a graceful, proud cat, who gave us over 22 years of unconditional love and joy.  In the end, she chose to die on her own terms, as proudly and gracefully as she lived.

Squirt was such a special part of my heart and my family, and all we have now are the memories of her dear, sweet face.  As painful as it is to lose her, I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything in the world.  She truly was a blessing.

We half jokingly say in our family that “cats are people, too!”  We have lost a very special “person,” but we are much better people for having had the privilege of knowing Squirt all these years.

If you have never had an animal in your life, you are missing out on one of life’s greatest joys.  Please adopt a homeless pet today and give it the gift of love.  You will be rewarded with a gift in return far greater than you can ever imagine.


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10 thoughts on “Squirt the Wonder Cat, Rest in Peace

  1. 🙁 Stephanie and family, I am so sorry for your loss. I have several rescue family members myself and especially appreciate others that take a special angel in and give and receive boundless love. I know you will be sad, but know this, Squirt lived and loved you knowing that she had adopted your family as her own to care for and watch over. She is yours to fondly and lovingly remember and be grateful for always. You took excellent care of her for her to have lived so long. God Bless!!!

  2. Sorry about the loss of Squirt> I remember when I thought she was a figment of your imagination. I would faithfully leave food for her 2x a day but never laid eyes on her until years later when she moved into “The Home”. She was an NMB fixture and will be missed. RIP, Squirt.

  3. Thank you for sharing this lovely memorial. I know Squirt is resting in peace after a long and beautiful life in the home that she chose…and obviously chose well. And, readers, if you are moved by this, please do consider adopting a homeless animal. You’ll indeed be rewarded with a greater gift than you can ever imagine.

    1. There are so many animals that would love to adopt a needy family. Please seriously consider it. They cost way less than children!

  4. Stephanie,

    I’m an old friend of Lisa Kloack and she sent me Squirts memorial because I have a senior rescue cat who isn’t doing well. I’m so sorry for your loss but it sounds like she had a loving family. Cats are people, each with their own personality and quirks. In the past few years I have had to put three beloved cats to sleep to end their suffering and it is never easy but you are right they bring so much joy into the lives of the humans they choose. I hope my dear Ginger has a few more years but it she chooses to leave this world I will for sure be adopting a cat who needs a home.

    1. Linda, thanks so much for writing. I love all my kitties and I hate the thought that one day they’ll leave me, but the pleasure they bring into our lives is immeasurable. Sending prayers for your Ginger, and I also hope you have more time with her. There are so many cats and dogs that need loving homes. I’m glad you will consider adopting another and giving back the gift of love.


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