On Tuesday, May 1st, the unwashed, anarchy loving, trust funded, imaginary “99%,” a/k/a “occupiers,” plan to celebrate my 55th birthday by engaging “in a U.S. general strike to “shut it down,” referring to the country’s economy. As if the tanking economy needed any prodding to slump even more.
According to its website, MayDayNYC.org, the astro-turfers, which are being financed by the very same “evil rich” they actually believe they’re protesting against, are calling for “(m)illions of people throughout the world — workers, students, immigrants, professionals, houseworkers — employed and unemployed alike — will take to the streets to unite in a General Strike against a system that does not work for us. Don’t go to work. Don’t go to school. Don’t shop. Take the streets!”
I wonder what “system” isn’t working for them. In their own words, the “system” is capitalism. So, I’m wondering what part of the “system” they’re protesting. Let’s see, it’s obviously not the Evil Capitalist Apple company, since 99% of the “99%” have iPhones and/or iPads, with which they use to rally the troops. And check their email while picketing to pass the time.
Don’t even get me started on “Occupy Miami,” which was started by North Miami Beach’s own CAIR operative/Anti-Israel protestor, Muhammed Malik, who organized the so-called palestinian protest in Fort Lauderdale a couple years back, where a woman was yelling to Israel supporters, “Go back to the ovens!” I understand that Malik actually does have a job to occupy. I heard that he’s the manager at North Miami Beach’s Ham & Eggery restaurant, the operative word here being “ham.” If that’s true, no self-respecting Muslim would ever work in an establishment that peddles pork products, so I’m guessing that would make Malik a hypocrite.
Speaking of Occupy Miami, the geniuses also devised a massive protest against Wells Fargo in the bank’s lobby because of its foreclosures against people who borrowed money to buy homes most of them couldn’t afford in the first place. All eight occupiers showed up. Watching the video reminded me of an old hippie slogan from the days of Woodstock: “What if they gave a war and nobody showed up?” Well, now we know.
Speaking of CAIR, or the Council on American Islamic Relations, which has been classified a terrorist organization by the FBI, is the unidicted co-conspirator in the biggest terror trial in America, in which The Holy Land Foundation was found to be a huge contributor to Hamas, so they could build more rockets to kill civilians in Israel. CAIR is behind of many of these “Occupy” protests. Maybe the occupiers’ new slogan should be something like “Support Terrorism – Occupy Something!”
Speaking of Israel, even the Washington Post wrote an article about all the anti-Semitism within the “Occupy” movement. I find it quite ironic that those who claim that Israel is the “illegal occupier of Arab lands,” yet they have no problem illegally “occupying” public places themselves.
The motto of the organization that powers their website, Direct Action Working Group (“DAWG” – how cute!), is “Never in history did the rich and powerful give up their privileges voluntarily.” Interestingly, if you click “links” on the DAWG website, you’ll find a list of its “rich and powerful” backers, such as Organizing for Power, which motto is “Organizing for Power, Organizing for Change” (“Organizing?” “Change?” Gee, where have I heard that before? Hmmm…). Group member Lisa Fithian wrote an entire blog praising her “work” with Abbie Hoffman of Steal This Book fame.
The “Occupy” movement is also partnered with and heavily funded by The Ruckus Society, which is “the group which spun off the domestic terrorist Earth Liberation Front in 1992,” according to the website activistcash.com. The Alinsky-ite organization “is turning into a violent version of Forrest Gump, grooming the footsoldiers of the “protest industry” for every major newsworthy protest event since its founding.” It also has no problem taking money from Evil Capitalists, “reaping six-figure grant awards from the likes of Ted Turner and the “caring capitalists” at Ben & Jerry’s. When the multinational corporation Unilever bought the ice cream maker in 2000, it agreed to continue Ben & Jerry’s bizarre flavor of philanthropy for the foreseeable future. The Turner foundation has also contributed heavily to Ruckus, including over $150,000 in grants made via The Ecology Center, Inc., a Montana group where Ruckus’ first slate of officers met in the mid-1990s.” Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?
Activistcash.com also reports, “If you’ve heard of Ruckus Society at all, it was probably in relation to the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle. Americans watched in horror as organized hoodlums ran roughshod over the city’s commercial district, smashing windows, setting fires, overturning vehicles, ransacking a Starbucks coffee shop and a McDonald’s restaurant, and generally putting lives at risk.”
In other words, upstanding citizens all.
DAWG also states on its website, “On May 1st we are to expect, as we always should, an aggressive, unjust overreaction to actions on the behalf of the NYPD. Though few of us wish to purposefully get arrested, many of us who simply wish the celebrate the holiday that May Day is will be kidnapped and caged by the state. This aspect of police repression is one of the uglier, dehumanizing mechanisms employed to instill a culture of paranoia and fear into dissidents and subversives. In order to combat this overwhelming power, it us essential that we support each other through trauma, coercion, and intimidation.”
They must be a lot of fun at parties.
Another partner of the occuschmucks is Rising Tide North America
Would that “Life After Capitalism” also include shutting down its own corporate backers that pay for its website. I’m just saying.
DAWG also lists as a partner How to Occupy, which also organizes and promotes something called “Seeds for Change.”
Hmmm, let’s see… Organizing? Change? Gosh, darn. That sure does sound familiar. Where have I heard that before?
In case anyone is confused about what these occumorons are protesting about, the short version is: They want free college, free food, free beer, free health care, free iPhones, free laptops, free sex, free abortions, FREE, FREE, FREE. They actually believe that if something is “free” no one pays for it. It obviously never occurs to them what will happen when they run out of other people’s money.
Here are some lovely pictures of this peaceful “occupy” movement for your viewing pleasure.

Occupy Responsibly. Start with a shower.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Ahem. We here at the Federal Water Quality Monitoring Department have become aware of this irresponsible request that members of the Occupy Movement shower. Please fill out form FQ-OM, being sure to indicate where water contaminated by contact with these protesters will run off.
In the future, please consider composting your Occupy Movement members instead of trying to clean them.
What a capital idea, Captain! In the interest of saving water, I’ll bypass the forms and simply follow your suggestion. Which government agency do I contact to apply for a composting license?
Sadly, after checking applicable local law, I see that my suggestion was premature. Please check here for http://www.miamidade.gov/dswm/home_chemical_disposal.asp for the proper procedure for disposing of Occupy Protesters and other hazardous waste.
Oh, dear. This is more serious than I thought. We might be better off just shipping them to California.
In case anyone out there is interested in this topic, here’s a news tidbit hot off the presses: http://www.wnd.com/2012/05/ohio-bridge-bombing-suspect-was-occupy-member/