People who just don’t want to play by the rules just really pisses me off. People who break the law makes me even madder!
There is a so-called not-for-profit-corporation by the name of Social Harmony Club, Inc. According to Article III of it’s Articles of Incorporation, the purpose of this corporation is:
This clearly states that Social Harmony Club, Inc. is what is called a 501(C)(3), which means it is exempt from paying taxes.
Article VIII of the same document states:
This Article clearly states that Social Harmony Club, Inc. is prohibited from participating in political campaigns. Hmmmm…
Maybe the President of Social Harmony Club, Inc., Pradel Vilme, of 16843 SW 50th Street, Miramar, Florida 33027, who signed his name as an Incorporator of Social Harmony Club, Inc. on September 14, 2009, didn’t get the memo.
According to page 73 of Myron Rosner’s 95 page 2011 Campaign Treasurer’s Report, on May 6, 2011, Myron paid to Social Harmony Foundation the sum of $3,000.00 for … CONSULTING! Considering this is a report on Myron’s Campaign Expenditures, he obviously paid Social Harmony Foundation money for POLITICAL CONSULTING.
Hellooooooooooooo? What part of his own company’s Article VIII, specifically prohibiting the corporation from participating in political campaigns DID PRADEL VILME NOT UNDERSTAND?
I’m sure the Internal Revenue Service would be more than happy to look into this matter.
This is the same Pradel Vilme I mentioned in my column, La Maison de Pierre, and whose other company, Ledarp Enterprises, Inc., owns the property located at 1733 NE 162 Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162, which is the address for the Social Harmony Club, Inc. Interestingly, this is the same Pradel Vilme who is the Vice Chair of the City of North Miami Beach’s Redevelopment Advisory Board.
Mr. Vilme applied to become a member of this Board on January 10, 2011. On this application he claimed he lived at 1733 NE 162nd Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162, and that he resides “in North Miami Beach during all twelve months of the year.”
Only one problem. The property located at that address is zoned “COMMERCIAL, MEDIUM INTENSITY.”
What this means is that Mr. Pradel Vilme either does not live at that address or he’s in violation of the building code by living in a property zoned for COMMERCIAL BUSINESS.
There’s only one other problem. According to the Broward County Property Appraiser , Mr. Vilme not only owns the property located at 16843 SW 50th Street, Miramar, Florida 33027, but he claimed a 100% Homestead Exemption on that property for the year 2011.
All of this information begs two questions:
1. How did Pradel Vilme claim to be a year round resident in North Miami Beach, while supposedly living illegally in a commercially zoned property, and claiming a Homestead Exemption on a residential property in Broward County, in order to be appointed BY FRANTZ PIERRE to the Redevelopment Advisory Board at a North Miami Beach Council Meeting held January 19, 2010 (when Myron Rosner was still the Mayor and voted to approve his appointment)?
2. How did a non-profit corporation, Social Harmony Foundation, Inc., accept the sum of $3,000.00 from Myron Rosner for campaign “consulting” when this corporation is specifically prohibited from doing so?
Seems to the Gadfly, there’s a whole lotta shady going on.
A worm digger’s work is never done.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
And this is the same man who received $ 4,000.00 out of the NMB LETF (Law Enforcement Trust Fund)? This does not sound comforting. Please dig some more Stephanie, this is getting good. Sad, but satisfying if you can get somewhere with this. I can’t imagine what else is yet to be uncovered. No wonder people are skeptical of our politicians. I hope the Ethics Board of Miami-Dade County find this information worth their time investigating. Stop this nonsense now at the lower level to stop it before it gets to a higher level of corruption.
Thanks for bringing that up. This non-profit did ask for and receive $4,000.00 in LETF money. Myron and Frantz also voted to approve that grant.
Stuff just keeps getting stranger and stranger around here.
Thanks Steph. What are the chances that the Ethics Commission or the Public Corruption Unit or other departments of the State’s Attorney’s office will actually do something? Hmmm. Uhmm, WAIT! I know! Close to zero.
Good job just the same.
Even though you’re probably right, it won’t stop me from trying. Seems I’ve got the Ethics Commission on speed dial these days.