Dude! I found your house! Too bad the Miami-Dade County Tax Assessor can’t!
In my search for voter fraud, as I reported in Dude, Where’s my House? I couldn’t find the property located at 2220 NE 172nd Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162.
First of all, apparently NE 171st Street turns into NE 172nd Street when you head east, which is why I couldn’t find 2220 NE 172nd Street where NE 172nd Street is actually located. So, we found the house, which means the people who claim to live there actually might live there. They’re still off the radar as far as Google, social media and phone directories are concerned, but that’s not illegal. Just shady.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem, and that problem is potentially much bigger than shady characters. See for yourself what I mean.
Kids, here’s a trick you can try at home.
Go to http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/
Now, click on “Search By:,” choose “Address,” and put in 2220 NE 172 Street 33162, just like I did here.
Click “Locate.”
You will see that it says: “No Match Found.”
Miraculously, the Assistant General Council at the Department of State found a Folio Number for the property, most likely by searching the Miami-Dade County Clerk’s Public Records, which Folio Number is allegedly 07-2209-005-1310.
Now go back to the Miami-Dade portal and instead of “Address,” click “Folio,” then type in the above number (don’t use dashes). Here are the search results using the Folio Number, which you can see is an actual house.
Now, click on the Folio Number to get “Summary Details,” and you will see the result is, “Folio number: 07 22090051310 not found in the Tax Collector’s System.”
So, let’s get this straight:
1. You cannot find the tax information using the address.
2. Once you find the Folio Number, you can find the house.
3. Once you find the house, there IS NO FOLIO NUMBER IN THE TAX COLLECTOR’S SYSTEM!
The Assistant General Council provided a copy of a Warranty Deed, so I searched the Clerk’s Public Records and found the property is owned by Jules Durand and was purchased in 2002.
The facts remain that there is obviously a house, which is obviously owned, and was purchased by Warranty Deed, which most definitely reflects Folio Number 07-2209-005-1310, which Miami-Dade County’s Clerk acknowledges, but which the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser CAN’T FIND!
Dude, I found your house. But, who’s paying the real estate taxes?
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Oh, this is so much fun! I can hardly wait for it come out in book form!
Neither can I.
Suzanne wake up. This woman is just out to get Haitians. Her reply to me in the previous blog post is insulting. I replied to her pointing that out, and that it is typical of Republicans to use this tactic when they can not defend their argument. I also posted the New York Times article I sent to you.
She deleted my post, so you obviously can not disagree with her if you want to participate on this blog.
She has not posted any thing that they are doing illegal and she can not show that they are voting illegally. There is not even a hint that they are.
They should sue her for slander.
You posted the New York Times EDITORIAL (as opposed to an actual article) sometime during the night, and then started bitching before I even had a chance to wake up and approve comments. Your paranoia continues, I see.
I’m sure you’re not interested in facts, but most of my readers are Democrats. They’re just not stupid, like you apparently seem to be.
I’m also sure you’re one of those people who still think that George Bush stole the 2000 election, so it really surprises me that you’re railing against voter fraud, especially in the State of Florida. I find it hypocritical that all of a sudden you’re not concerned that dead people might vote, unless of course, that’s the only way your candidate will have a chance to “win” an election. I’m just saying.
I will reiterate for the mentally challenged (if the shoe fits…) that voter fraud is ILLEGAL. As long as United States citizens are voting in the precincts in which they actually live, they have every right to vote. If not, they need to be prosecuted. There really is no gray area here no matter your political persuasion. Common sense should prevail.
I read the editorial. How can it be getting more difficult to vote? It has been made so easy to vote at precincts and by absentee ballot. How is it that you have to bring all kinds of documentation, including proof of address and proof of citizenship documentation just to get a driver’s license? Government has made it difficult to get a driver’s license. Government is not making it more difficult to vote – at least, not for me, and I am a Democrat.
The State of Texas just passed a law stating that voters need to bring a government issued photo ID to the polls. The Federal government sued Texas claiming it disenfranchises minority voters because, according to the Feds, minorities are either too stupid or too poor to obtain photo identification cards. Texas ALSO implemented a FREE GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARD program, thereby ensuring that anyone who wants a card can get one. By the way, sagonist, “free” means “at no cost.” Okay, so there blows that argument away. The REAL problem is that illegal aliens won’t be able to obtain photo ID cards and, thus, won’t be able to vote. DUH! In this country, as in probably all other countries in the world, illegal aliens are not allowed to vote! Then again, in almost every other country on the face of the planet, unlike here in the U.S., they deport illegal aliens. Try sneaking into Mexico or Iran and see if those governments let you stay, live, work and vote. HAH! You’re lucky they don’t kill you at the border.
Lastly, you need a photo identification to buy cigarettes, beer, and porno flicks. You also need one to cash checks. How is it discriminatory to have to show one to vote? IT’S NOT! DUH!
I went for some outpatient testing on Wednesday, and guess what? I WAS ASKED TO SHOW A PHOTO ID! If any of those so-called “disenfranchised voters” ever have to go to a doctor or hospital, they will be expected to show a photo ID, so they obviously have access to one. Claiming they can’t get one to vote is bullshit.
Se my reply here: https://www.votersopinion.com/?p=4264
Looks like it belongs to a tax exempt / non profit organization called Three Hands Foundation Inc. Maybe each hand gets to vote…..
Ann, thanks for the information. The only connection I could find to the Three Hands Foundation was that Lucien Eugene Pierre, one of the registered voters at that house, is the Chairman/Director of that corporation. The owner of the house, Jules Durand, owns a ton of properties all over NE Miami-Dade County. The only corporation he’s connected to is as a Director of Little Haiti Enterprises, Inc., which was dissolved in 1989. I found this out at sunbiz.org. Why do you think the house is owned by Three Hands Foundation? Have you found some other link between the two?
I guess the organization uses it as their mailing address c/o Lucien Eugene Pierre
I assume that is how they get their tax exemption.
Sorry about that.
No problem! I’m glad you did some digging. That’s the only way to uncover things people want to keep hidden. Thanks for that link. I’m sure it will definitely come in handy!
Steph, when inputting folio numbers on that website, no spaces….then the parcel comes up.
I and two other people (a/k/a my “research team” LOL!) played with the county tax assessors website and folio numbers for days. We got the same exact result each time. No spaces were involved (or animals harmed) in our experiment. Yesterday, one of my readers sent an email to her contact at the county tax office, told him what was going on and that there was a possible glitch with their program. If it’s working now, it’s quite possible he jumped right on it and fixed whatever problem there was. Thanks for the tip. I’ll go check it out now.
I’ve seen this info not shown before when the property owner’s name and address info is exempt from public records…that’s why no property address is shown for the folio, and no property Owner name shown. Could be owned by a cop, or lawyer, or lots of other occupations that fl statue 119 exempts from disclosure.
On the voter roll for NMB, there are nine names at the top whose addresses were redacted, and I was told this was because they were exempt from disclosure. The addresses I mentioned in the blog were not redacted, and I was able to dig up the owners via the Clerk of Court’s public records. I didn’t even know this before I started my research. I learn something new all the time.
According to someone from the Tax Assessor’s office, that’s exactly what I was told regarding one of the two addresses I checked. The other one is still a mystery. The strange thing is that I was able to find the owner’s names through the Clerk of Court’s public records, which is where Deeds, Mortgages and other property documents are recorded. So, these people aren’t too hard to find if you know where to look or what to look for. The only thing is we don’t know what their taxes are or if they’re paid. That’s just weird to me.