I don’t even know where to begin with this strange and twisted tale, but I do know where it ends. All the winding roads lead back to one person (or, one house, as it were) – none other than North Miami Beach councilman Frantz Pierre.
The mystery all started with my discovery and reporting of the fact that there are nine people registered to vote at the home of Frantz Pierre. Further dirt digging led me to discover that one of those people by the name of Marie Eleazard not only does not live at Frantz Pierre’s house, and most likely never did, but also that her non-profit corporation, Center for Family Empowerment, Inc., requested and received a grant from the North Miami Beach Police Department’s forfeiture fund known as LETF. On August 17, 2010, this item was listed on the Agenda for the City Council meeting, and brought before the council for a vote, which the minutes show passed 6-0, with councilwoman Phyllis Smith being absent. Frantz Pierre voted to give Marie Eleazard’s non-profit corporation the sum of $10,000.00 from the Police Department’s LETF account for:

Now mind you, Ms. Eleazard’s voter registration lists Frantz Pierre’s address as her own, and records show she voted by absentee ballot for the 2009 City Council Election, as well as the 2011 City Council Election and Runoff Election. Whether or not she actually did live there and commit voter fraud (which remains to be seen), the fact is she claims to have lived with Frantz during the time she came before the council to ask for money. He voted “yes.” I smell Conflict of Interest!
Even more interesting is that on that same night, another non-profit company known as Social Harmony Foundation, Inc., located at 1733 NE 162 Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162, also requested and received funding, as follows:

Soccer! I should have known! Frantzie just loves his futbol.
That address looked awfully familiar, so I revisited the records for Center for Family Empowerment, Inc., and wouldn’t you know it’s the same exact address as Social Harmony Foundation, Inc.! OMG, WHAT A COINCIDENCE!
That’s where the coincidences start, but they’re far from over. Try to keep up now.
The owners of the property where the two non-profit organizations are located are Ledarp Enterprises, Inc. and Vision 2000 Investments Corp.
The President and Director of Social Harmony Club, Inc. is one Pradel Vilme, who just HAPPENS to be the Registered Agent, President and Director of Ledarp Enterprises, Inc., who just HAPPENS to be the Vice Chair of the City of North Miami Beach’s Redevelopment Advisory Board.
Mr. Pradel Vilme also contributed a $500.00 in kind donation to Frantz Pierre’s campaign in 2007, according to his Campaign Treasurer’s Report. In addition, through 2009, Mr. Vilme was a Director of CustomerFirstival, Inc., which company tried unsuccessfully to have North Miami Beach foot the bill for a campaign event disguised as a “festival” the weekend before the last city election to be “sponsored by” appointed/incumbent councilman McKenzie Fleurimond, friend of Frantz Pierre.
Surprisingly, Pradel Vilme is not registered to vote at the House of Pierre.
Two other strange coincidences include:
1. Joline Pierre, who is registered to vote at Pierre’s house, was paid $300.00 to work for the 2009 Pierre campaign. Weirdly, her address as listed on his Campaign Treasurer’s Report is not the same address listed on her voter registration at the House of Pierre, even though she voted in the 2009 and 2011 elections by absentee ballot.
2. The mysterious Karry Joseph, who is registered to vote at the House of Pierre, and has done so in every election since 2005, was a paid campaign worker for two different candidates during the 2011 North Miami Beach City Council election. According to the Campaign Treasurer’s Report for McKenzie Fleurimond, Mr. Joseph was paid $300.00, and according to the Report for Hans Mardy, he was paid $450.00. Interestingly, according to these two Campaign Treasurer’s Reports, Mr. Karry Joseph has two different addresses, NEITHER OF WHICH MATCH THE ONE ON HIS VOTER’S REGISTRATION RECORD! Seriously, Dude! Where DO you live?

The strange and twisted tale of the goings on at La Maison de Pierre are indeed mysterious. People who claim to live there seem to not actually live there, yet vote in city elections by absentee ballot. Others who live there, or are somehow connected to those who do, have their hands out for city money, knowing full well that Frantzie will vote in their favor. And yet others seem to profit somehow by the fact that Frantz Pierre either runs for office or remains on the Council, so it behooves them to vote for him. I smell quid pro quo.
Now I am not an investigative reporter. Or any type of investigator for that matter. I’m just a worm digger, and all the stuff I dug up are a matter of very public record. Sunshine Laws are a wonderful thing.
Especially when the sun shines on the House of Pierre.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Nice work Steph. It doesn’t excite me that Pierre is busted. It’s disgustingly disappointing. What does excite is your dedication to task. Thanks.
A gadfly’s work is never done.
Is he related to the Mayor of North Miami who has the same last name and the same moral values?
Bob White
I’m thinking there must be some connection!
Based on this information, the other council members (the ones who supposedly have brains) should ask that Pierre immediately step down. Will they have the courage to do so?
Ah Frantz what a tangled web you weave; there’s no way you can talk your way out of this. Steph has caught you in one hell of a conflict of interest. Now that may be the Port Au Prince way, but here we really like to toss folks that do things like that into the slammer.
Folks you just gotta love it when irrelevant little piss ants like Frantz thinking they have found their ant hill to piss off of wind up drowning in their own effluvia.
All this has to be true! No body could make up such a twisted (though interesting) story!
FOr someone who claims not to be an investigative reporter, you are doing one hell of a good job!