If I were a betting woman, I’d venture a guess that the General Manager of local Fox Affiliate WSVN Channel 7 is regretting his decision not to air a story about Students Gone Wild at North Miami Beach Senior High School. Apparently, thinking it was a good idea at the time, about a hundred kids went on a rampage at a local Walgreens. Why? Good question. Anyone wanna guess?
This incident occurred on Friday, March 23, 2011. The minute I heard about it, I immediately called Channel 7, formerly known as my personal favorite local news station, to ask if they produced the story and posted it online so I could send it to my readers. As I reported on Saturday, the person who answered the phone at the News Desk told me flat out they decided not to cover the story because “they didn’t want to overshadow all the good the students were doing.” I nearly choked on my coffee and got a tad indignant when I asked, “Really? You think what they’re doing is a GOOD THING? Really?” He got a tad indignant back and responded with, “Yes, it’s good that students are voicing their opinions.” I mumbled something under my breath about Channel 7 not being fair and balanced and he made it a point to remind me that they are NOT FOX NEWS, but an affiliate of Fox News. I told him I knew the difference. Duh!
Soooo, who’s sorry now?
Not only did I scoop Channel 7 this past Saturday, March 24th, but so did every other local news station, starting with Channel 10 this afternoon, Channel 6, and eventually Channel 4. Hey, Seven! What’s up with that?
A bigger mystery is why any of them waited four days to air this story because as of this afternoon it’s gone totally viral. Pundits on the right, such as Rush Limbaugh, pundits on the left, such as the Democratic Underground, and every non-partisan news outlet around the country realized this was a story worth reporting.
Except Channel 7.
The 7 News Crew finally decided this was a newsworthy incident today at 4:40 p.m. I can’t help but wonder why they declined to air it when they had the chance FOUR DAYS AGO once the North Miami Beach Police issued a Press Release. Especially after I alerted the News Desk that this was News. Imagine that.
Like I said, I’d bet the Channel 7 General Manager is probably kicking himself in the butt. Here, dude. Let me help you out.

A few newsworthy notes and questions to chew on that Channel 7 probably won’t air:
1. The students of fifteen high schools walked out of school to stage a protest. Are they going to make up for lost school time? Did they get a protest permit? I’m just saying.
2. I was informed that the students at North Miami Beach Senior High School did not have permission to leave campus. My CI told me the kids merely picked up and walked out. Were truant officers called? Are they getting suspended? Was Principal Raymond L. Fontana involved or was he taken by surprise? No, this was not a rhetorical question. I’m pretty sure I know exactly what Principal Fontana was doing.

3. My CI told me that a Channel 10 news crew came to the school and asked the students if there were any white kids involved. WTF? I don’t even know what question to ask or comment to make about that. If you watch the video, which has probably gone viral around the planet by now, you’ll know the answer to that question is, “Yes, there were white kids involved.” They do not discriminate at North Miami Beach Senior High School. It’s an Equal Opportunity Madhouse.

4. Skittles? SKITTLES? You ransacked a Walgreens for FREAKING SKITTLES? YOU IDIOTS! What were you thinking?

5. And finally… Channel 7, how on earth did you let a freaking blogger scoop you? I handed you this story on a silver platter and you turned it down like Day 4 of Thanksgiving leftovers. YOU IDIOTS! What were you thinking?

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
The Fox channel 10 ‘news desk’ guy’s comment that they aren’t Fox News just oozes hidden meaning. Is he implying that channel 10 is not fair and balanced??? Hmmm???
Frankly I don’t watch channel 10 all that much and hardly ever it’s rendition of the local news since it is usually devoid of any information conent. As for its entertainment side the only show of any consequence is “Bones” and it looks like that one has been deep sixed. So my future participation in my channel 10 viewing will be virtually nil.
Michael, the local Fox affiate is Channel 7, not 10.
I hate when that happens. LOL!
Me, too! I’m constantly having senior moments.
All I can say is Arghh!!! I hope that’s my only Alzheimer moment of the year.
Don’t sweat it. I get those all the time. I choose to call them “blonde moments.”