Our local ABC affiliate Channel 10 did what Fox affiliate Channel 7 wouldn’t do, and that is report actual news. Call me crazy but it seems to me if the name of your program is “Channel 7 News,” you’re not a cooking show, right? I dunno, maybe it’s me. Then again, I scooped both of them!
During all the “peaceful” protests last Friday, when fifteen local high schools opened their flood gates to let students out of class and onto the streets, apparently a few more than the “five or six students” that the Wonk at the Channel 7 News Desk stated to me, trashed a local Walgreens. According to the Press Release issued by the North Miami Beach Police dated March 23, 2012, it was more like EIGHTY TO ONE HUNDRED STUDENTS, who went on a rampage inside the store, with the Assistant Principal frantically and futilely trying to herd the stampede. Despite his efforts, all hell broke loose.
According to the Press Release, Interim Police Chief Larry Gomer was quoted as saying, “Our police department fully understands that our country was founded on free speech and we agree that all people have a right to peacefully march in protest.”

Last time I read my pocket Constitution (you DO have one, too, don’t you?), the First Amendment (ask a history teacher if you’re unclear on the concept) does not include rioting and ransacking a private business.
Apparently, in addition to the Arts, Civics and Government are two subjects that have taken a back seat to the North Miami Beach Senior High School football program.
Four days after the fact, Channel 10 FINALLY picked up the story at 1:16 p.m. today, followed by NBC affiliate Channel 6 at 2:20 p.m. today.
But, if you’re one of the lucky readers of this blog, you were the first to know!
Aided and abetted by a joke of a school system, and in the case of North Miami Beach Senior High School, a joke of a principal in Raymond L. Fontana, yet another generation of scofflaws have come of age.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be proud.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
OMG Steph! Thank you once again. You mean Channel 7, ” If it bleeds, it leads ” don’t know nuttin? My son graduated from BEAM at NMB in 2004. That buffoon Ray Fontana was the Principal at that time and was to retire with the graduation of the class of 2004. I cannot believe that ineffective man is still there. Seriously? Wow! North Miami is having our Council meeting tonight. Supposedly Swerdlow and Biscayne Landing is not on the Agenda but a little bird told me a ” vote ” may be called before the end of the meeting regarding said subject. Hoping that Swerd will just quietly go away but you know how that’s been working out for us. I’ll keep you posted. A Miami Herald reporter called me yesterday to ask why I thought Fernandez-Rundle had not done anything about North Miami Mayor Andre Pierre and some Council members. She had been informed that I had been in contact with her office and basically have a big mouth. LOL Stay tuned!
Channel 7 knew very well the story, but REFUSED to air it! Meanwhile, this story has gone VIRAL! Remember, you heard it here first LOL! It’s on a national website here: http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/27/Miami-teens-ransack-loot-local-walgreens-in-trayvon-martin-protest/.
I also heard that Rush Limbaugh was talking about it on his show, and I’m told it’s all over Facebook now. Freaking shame that Channel 7 didn’t think it was fit to print!
For the record, the only reason I’m weighing in about this controversy is because of the way the media has mishandled it from the get go. Without hearing all the facts of the case (and no one knows EXACTLY what happened), they immediately rushed to judgment that it was a white on black crime. The media has stirred the pot to the point that the illustrious members of the New Black Panther Party has placed a TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR BOUNTY on the head of George Zimmerman. A BOUNTY??? Really? How despicable! Is this the Wild, Wild West or is this a civilized country? Filmmaker Spike Lee sent Zimmerman’s address out via Twitter to God knows how many of his followers. Talk about an incitement! Not one person in the media has condemned these actions, which are absolutely DESPICABLE! What ever happened to “innocent until PROVEN guilty?” Obviously, the media doesn’t understand the concept.
Also, I just found out that the students in NMB Senior High were not given permission to leave the school grounds on Friday. THEY SIMPLY WALKED OUT! Do these students not have rules and are they not expect to follow the rules? But the media, SPECIFICALLY CHANNEL 7, glorifies their actions. Can someone please tell me what’s going on here?
As for your city, I did see an article about North Miami where it mentioned something about why Pierre put the kibosh on the Swerdlow deal, but I can’t find it now. I’ll keep looking for it.
Please keep me posted about the meeting tonight. Enquiring minds want to know
I doubt that this branch of NMB accurately represents the student body. I hope they weren’t “allowed” to walk out. I must say that old school buildings like North Miami Beach Senior High have multiple access points that are difficult to monitor. In other words, if you wanted to stop the kids from walking out and raising cain, you couldn’t. Sleep well, NMB
Sneakylu, I was told today that no permission was given for the students to leave the campus. They merely picked up and walked out at an obviously prearranged time. I’m quite sure the school police aren’t doing a thing to stop this stuff from happening. Our PD would if they could, but it’s really not their jurisdiction. I don’t believe they can intervene unless it’s an emergency or they’re called. I’ll have to check that to make sure.
On the Agenda in North Miami tonight. Tab I Recommendation to name Dr Larry Pierre to North Miami Citizens Hall of Fame. Sponsored by Councilwoman Marie Erlande Steril. Not sure what this man has done to warrant this or if he is any relation to Mayor Andre Pierre. Will have to research this little tid bit later. On my way out the door. It never ends!
I may be dumb or something, but I don’t understand what trashing Walgreens has to do with the muder of anyone. Walgreens didn’t commit the murder…so?
Would someone, please, explain?
Everyone of those kids AND their parents should be made to go in clean, repair and then personally, one by one, apologize to the manager of Walgreens, the mayor, and city council. I know this is a radical idea, but I think they should pay for the damage and not expect an insurance company to pick up the tab. Oh, I forgot to mention the three mile run every day for a month.
I like the way you think.