For decades now, we’ve been told that Hispanics are “of color.” Apparently, even Asians are “of color,” too. As are American Indians, Pacific Islanders and Arabs. The only group of people who can’t be “of color” are Caucasians. When my daughter was in high school, I was informed that the Miss Black America Teen Pageant was accepting “all girls of color” to participate. A lot of good that did for the only group being discriminated against – the handful of white girls in the school, including my very disinterested daughter.
I suppose I could have called Media Whore/Discrimination Attorney Gloria Allred and caused a stink over it, but that would have just brought more embarrassment on my daughter who was already embarrassed enough by her parents due to the mere fact that we existed. Of course, teenagers rarely connect the dots that their parents are the only reason they themselves exist in the first place. Thankfully, teenagers eventually grow up.
According to Miami Herald Media Whore/Columnist Leonard “Blame Whitey” Pitts Jr., Hispanics are no longer “of color.” Pitts exclaims that all of a sudden the person (formerly known as “Hispanic”) who was responsible for the tragic shooting death of a 17 year old black teenager, is now “White!” Pitts conveniently drained George Zimmerman of all his “of color” because apparently only white people can be accused of a “hate crime” against black people. Obviously if an “of color” person kills another “of color” person that takes all the steam out of the Media Circus and then the Media Whores have nothing to bloviate about.
My recent column, WARNING: Politically Incorrect,” prompted a reader to gently suggest that I “redact” (i.e., censor) my calling Al Sharpton a Media Whore. He wrote, “To many others, he has become an icon, a leader among many, some of whom live among us. Your description of him can turn around later and affect those whom you support politically.”
Al Sharpton an ICON? Really? Is there any ambulance he hasn’t chased for the slightest chance of getting on national television? Has he ever missed an opportunity to publicly and loudly tell black people that they’re oppressed and that it’s all “the white man’s” fault? Are there any fans of racial hatred that Al Sharpton hasn’t yet flamed? And with gusto, no less? SHARPTON AN ICON? Puh-LEEZE! He is nothing but a racist and a Media Whore.
As I told my friend, I don’t say or write things for political expediency. When I’m annoyed or angered by something, I call it as I see it. When I make a mistake, I correct it. When I put my foot in my mouth, I take it out. And then brush my teeth. When it comes to my opinion, I reserve the right to change my mind. But, I will never apologize for telling the truth.
The media and all their Media Whores are using the tragic shooting death of Trayvon Martin to sell newspapers and themselves. If the victim was anything but black, this story would be on page 3B of The Miami Herald for about one or two days at most, then forgotten until raised as an afterthought if a trial ensued. Do you believe for one minute that if the shooter had been black and the victim white that the Media Whores would be blasting the airwaves 24/7? I know it wouldn’t be a blip on their radar.
The fact that the shooter was a person “of color” is just not convenient for their agenda. Which is why Media Whore Leonard Pitts Jr. had to wave his magic wand over George Zimmerman and turn him into a “white man.” Otherwise, there is no story…
Media Whore Jesse Jackson wouldn’t have the opportunity to run in front of the camera to tell blacks they’re being attacked.
The Media Whore Talking Heads at MSNBC wouldn’t be climbing all over themselves to blame Rush Limbaugh. (I guess Bush got a pass this time.)
Oops, I spoke too soon! MSNBC’s Media Whore Ed Schultz blamed Jeb Bush! (You just knew there’d be a handy Bush to blame, didn’t you?)
And, of course, Media Whore Louis Farrakhan would have had no opportunity to call for the “law of retaliation.” Retaliation? Really? What happened to the rule of law?
I find it quite ironic that anyone is offended by my use of the words “Media Whore,” yet is not offended by what any of the Media Whores themselves say.
To my friend I say, I will not be redacted. I will not be censored. I will not be stifled. I will say something if I see public corruption, hypocrisy, opportunism and plain old fashioned bullshit. It’s not my nature to appease for political purposes, or anything else for that matter. You have the right to disagree with my opinion, as I do with yours. I do not apologize for offending you, but I am sorry you’re so intolerant.
In the ongoing Media Circus surrounding this tragedy, the only Hate Crime being perpetrated is the one against the Truth. And if Truth is the new Hate Crime, I’m guilty as charged.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Mr Zimmerman is a good white catholic. It may be a racial muder because there is the possibility that he was against all blcks. So far I think so, but further informatiom may prove me wrong.
You might be absolutely right. But, you might not be. I’m not passing judgement on this case until all the facts are in. I am passing judgement on the media, which has already tried, convicted and sentenced him. Filmmaker Spike Lee tweeted Zimmerman’s address. Isn’t that lovely? Talk about INCITING VIOLENCE!
Good read! and Spike Lee is an idiot btw! check out my art at
Thanks. I sent your link to my son because he likes tee shirts like that.
You are perhaps just a bit too circumspect in referring to these less than stirling examples of last class humanity as merely media whores. Race baiting poverty pimping snollygosters is I believe a bit closer to the mark.
Excellent article Steph, this is the type of writing that will get you noticed by the big dogs!
Awww. [Blushing. For real!] That would be so cool. Thanks for your kind words.
Steph, our president is 50% white and 50% black yet is of course the “First Black President”. I guess it really matters to some if the mom or dad is black or white to be labeled “Black” or “African American”. Now as you have so unabashedly noted Mr. Zimmerman is refered to as ” white” or a “white hispanic” no longer a person of color. Black teenagers are shot dead in the street by other black teenagers all the time in America. Many times there are MANY black eye witnesses that stay mum as ” they dont want to be labeled a snitch”. Being labeled a snitch of course being worse than being labeled “The person who murdered a 16 year old black child in his front yard along with his baby sister”. It will never end. Things are getting worse. I believe that Trayvon was pushed to “flight or fight” and chose to fight. Had someone been following me and I was unarmed I would have run if possible. But if someone approached within my “zone of safety” and they appeared to be armed I would have attacked. Zimmerman was paranoid and may well have had the gun in his hand. Being young, a teenage boy and feeling immortal Trayvon may well have confronted his antagonizer. Our country is descending into tribes. Where I worked at the time a person came in and said, “OJ has been aquitted” and every black person who heard it cheered and started giving hi fives. I just shook my head in disgust. America is in for tough times ahead and this could well be the trigger for serious civil unrest.
Thomas, I have absolutely no way of knowing what the truth is and exactly what happened, how either of them were feeling, what either of them were thinking, or what led up to the tragic ending. I wasn’t there. Since there has been quite a bit of new information since this story first broke, I imagine there will most likely be more to this story before it’s all over. I will reserve judgment until the entire truth has been told.
My beef is with the news media and the media hounds who see an opportunity to create havoc because it plays well on the 10:00 news. Or because it advances a political agenda. I’m also angry at how just plain evil people can be, like Spike Lee, for example. I still can’t believe that he tweeted what he thought was Zimmerman’s home address and ending up scaring the hell out of an elderly couple whose address was blasted all over the internet. And, of course, the New Black Panther Party, emboldened by an Attorney General who won’t prosecute blacks, actually putting a bounty on Zimmerman’s head. A FREAKING BOUNTY??? What is this? The Wild, Wild West? And we STILL don’t hear the president condemning those actions! We STILL don’t hear a president calling for calm and reason! Where is the freaking leadership? Is anyone noticing?
Oh, and by the way, did you know there were 6 murders in Chicago in the last two days, and 100 murders in that city this year so far alone? Surely there’s gotta be some black victims there that Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson can exploit.
As the former White House Chief of Staff and current Mayor of Chicago (surprise!), Rahm Emanuel, said a couple years ago, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
And that’s exactly what the media and the media whores are doing.
I hear you Steph. I am sure that Jessie and those other fools will fly to NM to condem the cold blooded murders at the NM funeral home. A five year old girl was shot and I believe 14 shot in total and two dead so far. Where the hell is the outrage about that from the race baiters? Dont they want to know if a white shot all these people? This is 100 times worse than what Zimmerman did. He did not set out to kill someone but did tragically. But this is a planned MASSACRE attempt of black folks, children in mourning for a loved one. A total indiscriminate attempt at mass murder of men, women and children. If the perps turn out to be white which is unlikely they will be here in force. Since they are probably black they will not only dismiss it, they will bury it. I pray the child is OK. If a Blood guns down a hated Crip why is that not a hate crime? Why are the NM murders not already labled a hate crime? do you murder peiple you love. This I believe is black on black hate murder but the media will never call it that.
The media did it again. When reporting that horrible shooting at the funeral home last night, they reported that the shooters were six men in a white car, and they asked people to call the tip line if they had any information. Usually when asking for the public’s help, the media does state the race of the suspects, if only to be able to identify them. In this case, the story doesn’t mention the race of the shooters or the victims. Why not? I’m just saying.
In case anyone is interested in seeing how the media has contributed to the racial tensions surrounding this case, please check out this story of March 31, 2012:, which states:
“NBC has revealed that it is launching an internal investigation into the “editing process” surrounding the conversation between George Zimmerman and a police dispatcher (shortly before Trayvon Martin was shot), where Zimmerman appears to volunteer racial information.
Exposed by Fox News and Newsbusters, NBC played the conversation on the “Today Show” as: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”
The unabridged version is:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
Erik Wemple of the Washington Post noted:
The difference between what ‘Today’ put on its air and the actual tape? Complete: In the ‘Today’ version, Zimmerman volunteered that this person ‘looks black,’ a sequence of events that would more readily paint Zimmerman as a racial profiler. In reality’s version, Zimmerman simply answered a question about the race of the person whom he was reporting to the police. Nothing prejudicial at all in responding to such an inquiry.
And it’s a falsehood with repercussions. Much of the public discussion over the past week has settled on how conflicting facts and interpretations call into question whether Zimmerman acted justifiably or criminally. That’s a process that’ll continue. But one set of facts in the is ironclad, and that’s the back-and-forth between Zimmerman and the dispatcher. To portray that exchange in a way that wrongs Zimmerman is high editorial malpractice well worthy of the investigation that NBC is now mounting.”