Press Release – Press Release – Press Release – Press Release
City of North Miami Beach Police Department
Media Relations Office
16901 NE 19th Avenue
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Larry Gomer – Interim Chief of Police February 27, 2012
Contacts: Major Kathy Katerman
(305) 948-2940 Ext. 2581
(305) 525-7014 Cell Phone
Date / Time: Wed. February 22nd at 5 p.m.
Case number: 2012-0222-11
Location: 2041 NE 181 St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162
At 5 p.m. on Feb. 22, a witness / neighbor from another yard saw two teen males riding bikes in the rear alley and then leave their bikes to enter the property at 2041 NE 181 St. The alert neighbor continued to observe the boys and phoned police. The property they entered had a 6 foot fence in the rear and hedge line of bushes taller than the fence. One subject opened the utility room door and removed the screen from a bedroom window. Realizing that police were arriving in the area, the two teens began to run. NMBPD Sgt Knowles observed the teens removing knit gloves from their hands while running. Three NMB Officers then converged on the teen burglars and detained/arrested them. NMB Det. Garcia interviewed the arrestees. Arrestee Montoya refused to give a statement. Arrestee Duran confessed to being the lookout today and to doing two other previous burglaries. Search of Montoya revealed another pair of grey gloves in his pants pockets. Due to the observant neighbor and quick response of these Officers the subjects did not gain entry or get the opportunity to take any property this time. There is no surveillance video in this case. Arrestees booking pictures are attached above. Victim, Mario Cuadros agreed to be contacted by the media, at 305-785-8347.

Juan Carlos Montoya
Hispanic male
Dob: 07-23-83
5’11” 190 lbs.
Address: approx. NE 21 Ave & 171 St
Past: extensive burglary past
Attends Mavericks School

Albert Duran
Hispanic male
Dob: 10-08-97
5’3” 110 lbs.
Address: 1736 NE 171 St
Past: extensive past, mostly burglaries
no longer enrolled at NM middle school
There is more to the story. North Miami Beach Police are very familiar with both these subjects who often work together. 14 year old Duran is known by NMB detectives as NMB’s most active burglar. Albert Duran was arrested 13 times by just the North Miami Beach Police Department between November 2010 and today. Prosecuted through the Dade County Juvenile system and released. His largest sentence, and the maximum sentence allowed, was 21 days at the Juvenile Assessment Center. Police maintain that the juvenile criminal justice system has been ineffective as a deterrent for Albert Duran. Detectives have asked for him to be prosecuted as an adult however this is not permissible under the current court point system. See the chart below for the criminal activity done by Albert Duran that NMB Police know about thus far. Investigators wonder what sentence may come from these newest charges. Cases have been consolidated and a hearing is set for April 12th. Albert Duran also has a 16 year old brother, Edwin Lora, who has a past for a variety of crimes from stolen vehicles, to robbery, to drug and weapon charges. Edwin and his brother Albert have been arrested together on some occasions.
Albert Duran arrests – by NMBPD only
Det. | Case# | Crime date | Arrest date | Location | Charge | Probable cause | other | Prop taken | |
1 | Garcia | 2012-0222-11 | 02-22-12 | 02-22-12 | 2041 NE 181 St | Resid. Burglary | Caught in progress by PD | confessed | none |
2 | Ham | 2011-1225-09 | 12-24-11 | 02-22-12 | 321 NE 170 St | Resid Burglary | Identified in a lineup by a witness | confessed | ipad |
3 | Garcia | 2011-0713-20 | About07-13-11 | 02-22-12 | 1740 NE 172 St | Resid Burglary &Grand Theft | Fingerprints left on scene | confessed | 2 flat screen tv’s & a laptop |
4 | Dolcine | 2011-1208-13 | 12-08-11 | 12-08-11 | 2100 NE 167 St | Carrying a concealed weapon | Officers located knife on him | na | na |
5 | Garcia | 2011-0724-01 | 07-23-11 | 01-21-12 | 2189 NE 167 St | ResidBurglary | FingerprintsLeft on scene | – – – | Wii games, system, and a dog |
6 | Garcia | 2011-0723-01 | 07-22-11 | 01-21-12 | 1851 NE 168 St | Burglary &Grand theft | FingerprintsLeft on scene | – – – | Flat screen tv and laptop |
7 | Ham | 2011-0430-09 | 04-30-11 | 12-05-11 | 1451 NE 169 St | ResidBurglary | Fingerprints left on scene | unknown | Tv and a PS3 |
8 | Stein | 2011-0413-16 | 04-13-11 | 04-20-11 | 16900 NE 15 Av | Strong ArmedRobbery | Identified by lineup | Confessed to being there | Ipodtouch |
9 | Ham | 2011-0329-30 | 03-29-11 | 12-05-11 | 1287 NE 189 St | ResidBurglary | Fingerprints left on scene | unknown | nothing |
10 | Garcia | 2011-0310-19 | 03-10-11 | 5-23-11 | 1566 NE 172 St | Burglary &Crim Mischief | Fingerprints left on scene | confessed | nothing |
11 | Garcia | 2011-0314-02 | 03-13-11 | 12-05-11 | 17200 NE 17 Av | Burglary &Theft over | Fingerprintsleft on scene | confessed | Laptop |
12 | Daise | 2011-0213-01 | 02-12-11 | 05-23-11 | 1141 NE 154 Tr | ResidBurglary | Fingerprints left on scene | confessed | PS 3 & 3 pairs of nike sneaker |
13 | Slusher | 2010-1105-07 | 11-05-10 | 11-05-10 | 1601 NE 168 St | BurglaryCrim MischiefResisting w/o | Caught in progress by police | confessed | Spray painted interior of a vacant home under renovations |
Where are these boys’ parents? Perhaps the parents should do time for the boys since they can’t stay in jail long enough. My brother got with a bad bunch of boys when he was 16. He didn’t do anything, but he was with boys who did. The Judge gave my brother a choice of which branch of service he wanted to go into. Let me tell you, the Marines made a real man out of him. He is now a very successful business man!
According to The Miami-Dade Property Appraiser’s web site, the Duran kid lives with a Mr. & Mrs. Ram and Estrella Turizo at 1736 NE 171 Street. Perhaps if we all write to them or show up at their doorstep expressing our disgust with the way in which their “child” is behaving, they may think twice about the way they are raising him. After all they are responsible for this minor.
Yes, we should show up there. Didn’t Hillary say it takes a village? Well, since the parents won’t raise that monster, perhaps the “village” should take over.
Good for your brother! I love to hear success stories like that.
I had my home broken into in 2010 and live in the area of most of the arrests and the home of Duran. They like to hang out next door and the mother of that house and I get into many heated shouting matches about her family passing on my property. Police don’t do anything about it when I called them.
The cops can only do so much. Look at how many times that punk has been arrested and he’s still on the streets. If the State Attorney won’t prosecute to the fullest extent of the law the criminals go Scott free. Katherine Fernandaz Rundle won’t prosecute cases that she might lose in order to keep her conviction rate high and get re-elected. She’s nothing more than a political animal who couldn’t care less about crime unless it keeps her in power. She’s the real problem, not the police.
I’ll prepare the flyers with his picture and information if volunteers help me put them up. When everybody knows who he is and where he lives, things will change. This has to be a community effort.
I’ll help. Of course, we’ll risk getting cited by Code Enforcement for illegal signage.
Oh, wait! This is NMB. What Code Enforcement?
Never mind. Let’s do it.
dawm i went to elementary school with this jit and he was never like this ..
What is the immigration status of these young men? Is that something that is looked at by the NMBPD?
I was advised by someone in the PD that they are both legally here.
Albert is not illegal, he was born here in the states and unfortunately the school system from day 1 failed him… He is ESE, doesn’t take his medications and no one at home guiding him in the right direction. At the end of the day, you need realize that this is a cry out for help and he needs assistance… Calling him a punk is not going to make the situation any better.
I never said he was illegal. I also confirmed that with the police department because someone else asked. I didn’t even think about it.
I am troubled by a couple things you wrote. First you blamed the school system and claim it “failed from day 1.” Sorry, I do not buy that. Parents who are responsible and involved in their kids’ lives don’t allow “the school system” to fail. My kids have had less than desirable teachers and I went to the school, met with the teacher and the administrators and made sure the issues were resolved. Trust me, they were. Even a special needs child can get assistance IF the parent asks and follows up to make sure the child is being served appropriately. The KEY word here is “PARENT.” you mentioned that no one is home “guiding him.” Well, why not? Where are his parents? Who has a kid and expects no one to raise him? More importantly, why do you or his parents think it’s the job of the “school system” to raise the kid?
I’m sorry, but if anyone failed Albert “from day 1,” it was his parents. He was a statistic long before his very first day of school. Because his parents failed miserably at the most important job in their lives, we as a society are paying the price for their stupidity in procreating without any clue what to do after the orgasm is over. Unprotected sex usually leads to spawning. Even animals know how to protect their young. Humans have no excuse.