There are two really awesome things to report before we wrap up 2011.
For starters, last week North Miami Beach resident, Steve Pizzillo (or as I call him, MISTER Councilwoman Marlen Martell), won a prestigious award. In his capacity as Building Official for the City of Parkland, Steve was awarded the 2011 Broward County Building Official of the Year, which was presented to him by The Broward County Building Officials Association.

Also, a few days before Christmas, Mayor George Vallejo, Councilwoman Barbara Kramer and Councilwoman Beth Spiegel gave away brand new toys at the Highland Village Community Center to about 75 kids for Christmas. The three were joined by the Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High School baseball team and their Head Coach. This toy drive was started by Councilwoman Marlen Martell, who was traveling and couldn’t attend, but who was there in spirit. The toys for this event were not purchased with city funds, but by private donations, including some of the Council members. Each child received up to four wrapped gifts to open on Christmas!
As I reported earlier this month, Councilwoman Martell hosted the local toy drive for Big Mama (https://www.votersopinion.com/
Here are the pictures from the toy giveaway in NMB.

Please also help me thank Mayor George Vallejo, Councilwoman Barbara Kramer and Councilwoman Beth Spiegel for attending the event and handing out toys to the children of North Miami Beach.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Very nice indeed!
I would encourage everyone to be a part of, and help to serve their community.
Want to seize this opportunity to thank Bert Kheren, Barbara Kramer and others for helping to pull off the Christmas lunch at Fullford Methodist Church on Hanford Blvd, feeding the community. We thank the church for providing the much needed facilities to help spread this joy.
Active residents, elected officials and many others of several faiths came together and worked for a just cause.
Thanks again to Stef for keeping us updated.
I see that a few people have given Mubarak an “anonymous” thumbs down for his comment thanking everyone for taking part in “helping the needy” in our community. To these cowards I say grow some balls and identify yourselves so that we can see what spineless trash really looks like. You people truly are despicable and without conscience. I’d bet my left testicle that whoever gave the thumbs down could honestly care less whether or not these kids got gifts for Christmas because it’s more important for them to spread hatred than it is to spread goodwill. Maybe you people need to find religion or a hobby or something to help mend that black-hole where your heart used to be!
Thanks for your comment. There are people who give a “thumbs down” to anything Kazan posts no matter what. For some reason this makes the idiots feel better about how stupid they are. Even funnier is that they do it to me, too. I just have to laugh. In fact, that’s probably the only reason they even bother to read this blog – for the chance to dis me and anyone who agrees with me. They obviously have no lives. If they had balls, they would put their names on their own blogs like I do. They’re nothing but spineless cowards.
See what I mean? They already clicked “dislike” on my comment. What a bunch of dumbasses!