When former North Miami Beach city manager Kelvin Baker invited the NAACP into our city back in August of 2010 to investigate his bogus claims of racism, I stood up to them. I published an “Open Letter to the NAACP,” in which I told them that under no uncertain terms were they welcome here and promptly showed them the door. More specifically, I told them:
“You have pushed the wrong button with me. You do not intimidate me and you can not make me back down. I will not succumb to blackmail or threats, nor will I cower in fear of retaliation. Just as Baker stated at the meeting that the only one he fears is God, I, too, fear no man. And, I certainly don’t fear the NAACP, which is probably one of the most racist organizations that has ever existed in America…I have one message for the NAACP: BRING… IT… ON!”
This past summer during the start of the contentious budget season, the North Miami Beach Police UNION stirred up its members and instigated months of harassment and intimidation by the police against the residents and council members. My outspokenness against the UNION prompted hate mail in which I was told to ““GO F$&K YOURSELF” and various insults on the cops’ LEOAffairs website. I even incurred the wrath of resident Mad Max Cop from Hell, a/k/a Nelson Reyes, who has since “retired” from the NMBPD and is now free to flash his Mel Gibson Eyes at the residents of Aventura.
Now, as you all know, I am no fan of UNIONS. Especially police UNIONS. Their Saul Alinsky inspired tactics of fear and intimidation don’t faze me in the least because I am fully aware of the games UNIONS play. I knew exactly what I was dealing with and I simply refused to play by their rules. Or back down.
When the former mayor Myron Rosner tried to silence my criticism of him by spying on me and reporting me to Code Enforcement, not only did I not back down, but I only became more intent on exposing him for the corrupt fraud that he was. Of course, standing up to Myron is hardly heroic since he’s really just a wimp disguised as a bully. But, still, many people were intimidated by him since he was the mayor.
Unfortunately, North Miami Beach is facing a much bigger threat right now than the NAACP, the police UNION or Myron T. Rat. This threat is infinitely more insidious and far reaching than most of you even realize. I am talking about the threat of radical Islam.
Yeah, I can hear you laughing. But, I assure you, this is no joke.
Back in June of this year, I came across an interview of a local man by the name of Muhammed Malik, a former executive director of CAIR (Council on Islamic-American Relations – more on that in a minute), who discussed his concerns about a proposed so-called “anti-immigration” bill in Florida (http://www.americanprogress.
What a crock of shit!
Radical Muslims, or Islamists, will tell journalists what they want to hear, and the media will eat it up with relish. What they don’t tell you is that radical Islamic extremists are well learned in the Muslim art of Taquiyya, or more appropriately, Deception. As described by Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
9/11 homicide bomber Mohamed Atta, who became radicalized in Hamburg, Germany in the early 1990s, reportedly spent time in a local Hollywood bar, drinking alcohol, which Muslims are prohibited from doing, before he and 18 of his fellow Islamists blithely flew airplanes into buildings. It is generally believed that he was practicing the art of Taqiyya by pretending to blend in with the local population so as not to bring attention to himself.
Another thing Muhammed Malik seems to be upset about is any proposed anti-Sharia legislation in Florida. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, Sharia is ancient Islamic law as dispensed by the Quran, which dictates pretty much everything Islamists do in their day to day life. In many Muslim countries, Sharia has been reintroduced as the law of the land, replacing all secular law. This is why in countries like Iran and Afghanistan, for example, women are again being subjugated and forced to become nothing more than chattel, where they are stoned to death for the crime of being raped. Pro-Sharia Islamists will argue that Jews comply with Talmudic Law, and that Muslims are being discriminated against by any anti-Sharia legislation.
Again, what a crock of shit!
While observant Jews do abide by Talmudic Law in their private and religious lives, they recognize, respect, and comply with the civil laws of the United States of America. A prime example would be the rules regarding a Jewish divorce, or a get. If a Jew wants a divorce, he or she will obtain one from the State of Florida, or whatever state in which he resides. But, he will also ask for a get from a Rabbi so that his divorce will be sanctioned in the Jewish community, thereby enabling him to eventually remarry another Jew. The important thing to note is that a Jew can get all the gets he wants, but until he is officially issued a divorce decree from the State of Florida, he is still very much married. In other words, the Constitution trumps the Talmud.
Not so with Sharia. In Muslim countries where Sharia IS the law, their Constitution IS the Quran. Radical Islamists have a history of infiltrating western countries and insinuating their Sharia into local and state legislation with the sole purpose of forcing them to become Islamic republics. This is happening all over Europe as we speak. (See http://undhimmi.com/2009/08/
Radical Islamists, a/k/a Jihadists, would love nothing more than to take over America, which is their ultimate conquest. After, Israel, of course. They refer to America as the Great Satan and Israel as the Little Satan, which is why their main battle cry is, “Death to America! Death to Israel!”
Which brings me to Muhammad Malik’s involvement in anti-Israel activities. On December 30, 2008 in Fort Lauderdale, Malik takes credit for organizing a protest by so-called palestinians where one woman infamously screamed to supporters of Israel to “go to your other land” and “go back to the oven…you need a big oven…that’s what you need.”
So much for “interfaith community relations,” eh?
On May 16, 2011, Muhammed Malik called for a “Third Intifada” in Miami at Bayfront Park (http://www.hudson-ny.org/
The article goes on to state, “At previous demonstrations, such as at one in January 2009, in the same area in Miami, Muhammed Malik led a protest that had featured Nazi symbols, as well as acts of violence, which led to arrests against pro-Israel supporters. This time, they were a little more careful – but not careful enough to hide their true intent, beginning with the name of the rally, itself: “Third Intifada.”
Yeah, doesn’t that just want to make you invite Mr. Malik to Shabbat dinner?
As for the organization CAIR, in which Malik was an executive director, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has declared it to be a terror linked organization and the unindicted co-conspirator in the terror trial against the Holy Land Foundation, which raised money to fund Hamas terrorism (http://www.redstate.com/
CAIR’s ties to Hamas are well documented, so it’s no mistake that Muhammed Malik, its former executive director, was directly involved in the Fort Lauderdale protest on December 30, 2008 and the “Third Intifada” in Miami on May 16, 2011.
Anti-Israel Muhammed Malik is now the chief organizer of “Occupy Miami” (http://biggovernment.com/lstranahan/2011/11/23/meet-the-occupy-leaders-anti-israel-muhammed-malik-of-occupy-miami/), an offshoot of the infamous “Occupy Wall Street” mayhem, which has been linked to Islamic terror organizations, such as CAIR and Fenton Communications (http://www.theurbangrind.net/
I won’t get into that whole OWS nonsense here, but suffice it to say I don’t approve.
What is infinitely more troubling is the fact that Muhammed Malik is a City of North Miami Beach “official” of a sort. As a former (and possibly current?) member of the Multicultural Committee, and now a volunteer “at a North Miami Beach unemployment center helping folks fill out their job applications” (http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/10/14/v-fullstory/2454562/slow-to-start-occupy-wall-street.html), we have a Jihadist among us. Malik may be practicing the ancient Islamic art of Taqiyya, pretending to want to “improve community relations,” but the truth is that his actions show otherwise. I’m not sure if the NMBPD did a thorough background check on this guy when he was appointed to the Multicultural Committee, but I certainly hope they do now.
I did not back down to racism by the NAACP. I did not back down to intimidation by the police UNION. I did not back down to the laughable bullying by Myron Rosner.
I will not back down to radical Islam.
And, I certainly won’t fall for Taqiyya, no matter how cleverly disguised.
Muhammed Malik, I have your number. I will also make sure everyone in North Miami Beach does, too.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Any thing radical, we have no place for in our society. Unfortunately we have the constitution that protects “free speech”. A guy can curse you about your mother and the law protects him more than it protects you the one being cursed.
The woman spewing hate in the video which I happened to see last night, is uncalled for and she should be appalled at her behavior. Not a fan of Sharia law nor what people falsely represents themselves to be. We have lots of that in the Muslim community and well as all other religious communities. None of it is good.
I have seen Malik at a couple Multi Cultural Comm., never knew him to be one who would encourage Nazi symbols in his protest. But a video is worth more words. If you happen to have a video, put it up for us to see.
We need to love each other as we proclaim to love G_d, and find common ground instead of magnifying our differences.
There are extremists in every religion and society, and from all sides of the political spectrum. Luckily, most of them are clearly visible so you know who you’re dealing with. The most insidious extremists are the ones who shake your hand while stabbing you in the back.
Pictures of Malik at the anti-Israel rally can be viewed here:
You can see him at the rally, and a picture of someone holding a swastika sign, as well.
I’m sorry, but organizing hate rallies against Jews is not exactly promoting “interfaith” harmony. It makes me wonder why he wanted to join the city’s Multicultural Committee in the first place. How could he sit across a table with Jews, look them in the eye and pretend to be their friend when he obviously hates them? That makes me so sick!
while there’s no evidence of MM performing “the centuries old act of taqqiya,” this article certainly demonstrates your willingness to perform the centuries old act of xenophobic muckraking. while there has been that one noticeable incident of this neo-nazi woman who came to that event what you forget to leave out is that at virtually every single event that shows support for the palestinian people in south florida, there ARE people that show up that scream racist slogans, curses, and veiled threats…in support of israel. but somehow it’s the person they’re protesting, who has never actually engaged in extremism or hate speech of any kind whose “number you have.” you should be ashamed.
I hate to break the news to you, nanook, but I’ve been studying Islamic terrorism for years and I’ve gotten pretty good at uncovering deception, a/k/a taqqiya. “Xenophobic muckraking?” Brilliant analysis. NOT! You are either Mr. Malik or someone he has recruited to defend his terror connections, i.e., CAIR and the anti-Semitic hate rallies he proudly takes credit for organizing.
Please send me videos, stories and links to depict “racist slogans, curses, and veiled threats…in support of Israel.” I’m sure you have so many, it’ll be hard to pick just a few to display.
Yeah, right.
In the meantime, check out these videos of radical Islamists at school, work and play:
And, here’s my personal favorite of an imam explaining why it’s okay to beat a woman:
But, please send me all those links, articles, pictures and videos of Jews and supporters of Israel behaving badly. I can hardly wait!
There’s literally 1000s of similar video’s on YouTube. The proof of rampant Islamic extremism in the west is undeniable. I have no time for people like nanook and their willingness to be led to slaughter. Just another “Blame the Jews” for everything, and completely ignore the facts type of person!
Nanook, you’re clearly in denial! While it’s true that all Muslim people are not evil, Islamic extremism (which IS pure evil) is deeply rooted in western Muslim society. Those that deny this FACT are either complicit in the extremism, or naive to the fact that this danger exists in western society.
Many of us in different societies grow up with in bred notions of what “others” are, and never had opportunities of really knowing whom those individuals are. I for one have met with my neighbors and get to know them. The next door neighbor whom we grow up knowing as the “boogey man” turns out to be a very peaceful loving person.
Maybe we should all make an effort to know our neighbors. I thank G_d I did. Have no regrets. If we do this, the next conversation, rally or protest we turn out to, we would have second thoughts using negativity since knowing this would offend our neighbors, and instead we bring out a better side of ourselves.
Don’t fool ourselves, we do all have a positive side as well as an opposite to that. Let the better side outshine that of the negative part.
After reading the videos, we can gather for certain if what is being said in a foreign tongue is true, then there is allot of hate; we for certain cannot ascertain the translation is correct; everything is lip synced. But I can assure you, hatred is present among some Muslims and some other religious followers. It is not correct, but it is. Radicalism is present in all forms. We have that choice to choose, either doing the wrong or doing the right. Cain killing Abel was radical, and they both loved G_d. It was certainly wrong.
It is easier to do the wrong, such as pushing illegal drugs to make an easy living, taking a bribe, or hating someone. Fortunately for many of us, we choose to do the right. Reading the video of the guy explaining how to beat a wife, if it is true, he is a nut job and should have been in an asylum. Unfortunately for us, he may have a following and is revered by a few….or many. I do not find it a joy knowing he is representing other Muslims or he is a mouth piece for any, if what is being translated is true.
After saying this, I wish each and everyone of you joy and blessings in your discussions.
Mubarak, the videos from the website Memri (Middle East Media Research Institute) are professionally translated. You should go to their website, memri.org, to find out all about them. This is their description:
“The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region’s media. MEMRI bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic, Persian, Urdu-Pashtu, and Turkish media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.
Founded in February 1998 to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East, MEMRI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization. MEMRI’s headquarters is located in Washington, DC with branch offices in London, Rome, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Shanghai and Tokyo. MEMRI research is translated to English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew.”