Just when you thought former North Miami Beach mayor, Myron Rosner couldn’t sink any lower, well…he does. I’m not going to reiterate yet again all the despicable things this man has done since he first tarnished a city council seat and then a mayoral one with his obnoxious presence. Regular readers of this blog are well versed in the many Stupid Myron Tricks he’s pulled over the years. A normal man would have been humiliated out of town at least a year ago. Suffice it to say, the good voters of this city made him a one term mayor by humiliating him out of office last May. YEAH, BABY!
Just because he’s no longer an elected official, doesn’t mean he’s off the radar. On the contrary, like a venereal disease, Myron Rosner is the “gift” that keeps on giving. At least for this blogger anyway, because Myron still provides me with lots of dirt for digging.
Although not the most serious issue Myron is having to deal with, his most immediate problem is that he now has to face the music for the many code violations on his homestead for which he’s been cited by the City of North Miami Beach. He was supposed to appear before the Code Enforcement Board for a hearing in October, but he managed to have it postponed because allegedly he had to replace his attorney. He also managed to skate out of a hearing this month for reasons unknown, except that Code Compliance Manager Eric Wardle took the credit, er, I mean, blame, for pulling Myron’s case from the agenda at the last minute. Word has it that Myron wants the Code Enforcement Board to grant him a THREE HOUR HEARING, during which he plans to parade THREE HUNDRED WITNESSES across the stage. WTF? Even O.J. Simpson couldn’t scare up that many witnesses, and he was on trial for murder! (Sorry, Myron. When it comes to notoriety and scumbaggery, even you aren’t in O.J.’s league.)
In order to up the body count, Myron’s been a busy little beaver. Like the rat he is, Myron’s been scurrying through the bowels of City Hall, sniffing out potential Code Violators to use for his “Everyone Else Does It Defense.” For the bargain price of $229.40, including staff time and copies, Myron got his grubby little hands on the “complete file and plans” of sixteen pieces of property in North Miami Beach. His targets include the following property owners:
Mr. Jarett Gross
Mr. David Brand
Mr. Kenneth De Fillipo
Mr. Richard Bennett
Mr. John Stella
The City of North Miami Beach! (The property where the Chamber of Commerce sits.)
Mr. Anthony De Fillipo
Mr. Peter Roland
Mr. Thomas Pinder
Mr. Michael Levin
Mr. John Julien
Ms. Mary Hilton (Congratulations, Ms. Hilton, for being the only lady in the company of gentlemen.)
Mr. Barry Moses
Mr. Engelbert Kehren
PDG 1559 Property, LLC, c/o Grosse (huh?)
Aqua Vista Townhomes Condo
If you’re like me, you’re scratching your head trying to figure out why Myron chose some of these particular individuals and businesses to attack. Some of them are easy targets. For example, five of the individuals on Myron’s Hit List are FIVE OUT OF THE SEVEN CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEMBERS. What a dumbass! A few of them are Myron’s political enemies. He seems to have chosen the rest of them randomly (the Chamber of Commerce???), but who knows? I’m sure in Myron’s warped little imagination those souls have somehow dissed him. Maybe he’s finally making good his threat to report these folks to Code Enforcement when they refused to put his campaign signs in their yards. I’m just saying.
Missing from Myron’s Hit List are the usual suspects, whose names I won’t mention here, but you know exactly who I’m thinking of if you’ve kept up with all the Myron Dirt.
In any event, we now know who sixteen of Myron’s THREE HUNDRED hostile witnesses are. Now we just have to figure out who the remaining 284 are. Hmmmmm…. So many enemies, so little time!
If your name is on this list and I have your email address, I have already forwarded to you the copies of Myron’s public records requests. If I don’t have your email address and you would like a copy, please let me know and I’ll be happy to send one to you.
As I mentioned previously, this matter is only one of several issues with which Myron is having to deal. Good thing for him he’s out of work so he has plenty of time on his hands. Unfortunately for the rest of us in North Miami Beach, we have to be on continuous Myron Watch because you never know if he’ll be poking around your neck of the woods on any given day, spying on you and taking your picture. Be careful! Your homes, children and even your pets are not safe! I urge all of you to keep one eye on your property line and the other on your rear view mirror, because any day now he’ll be lurking around your ‘hood. I’ll be sure to warn you if I see or hear of anything suspicious, but seriously, folks, you need to live defensively. I can’t be everywhere!
On another, somewhat related, topic…
As you all know Myron’s trial before the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust ended in a deadlock (https://www.votersopinion.com/?p=1655). He was by no means exonerated of any wrongdoing, but because it was a split decision (2 to 2), the case of Myron’s Abuse of Power was dropped. Of course, Myron has been shooting his mouth all over town, telling anyone who gives a crap that he was found “not guilty.” THIS IS NOT TRUE! (Dude! A “hung jury” doesn’t mean “innocent.”) But, in Myron World, he actually believes he did nothing wrong. As further proof that you can’t shame the shameless, Myron had the FREAKING CHUTZPAH to have his attorney ask the City of North Miami Beach to pay his legal fees! WTF? Seriously! WTF?
City Attorney Darcee Siegel announced this Laughable Moment at the Council meeting last night. I almost fell off my chair! She advised the Council that she responded by sending Myron’s attorney a WTF Letter. Of course, she didn’t call it that, but you get my drift. A special Shout Out here to Darcee: YOU GO, GIRL!
I have a few more juicy tidbits about Myron under my hat, but I can’t report on them now ‘cuz I’ve been sworn to secrecy for the time being. Like I said, Myron’s troubles are far from over. But you can count on me to keep you up to date on all the news as it breaks.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Did you say he was sneaking around taking pictures? Are you sure you didn’t confuse him with Mubarak.
Nope, it’s not Kazan. Definitely not. There’s no confusing the two.
Thank you for keeping us updated Stef.
Some of his friends who helped him into office, he has turned on them like a rabid animal? Unbelievable! What kind of man art thou?
Warmest and sincerest,
My father Barry Moses is on the list,if you only knew.Im afraid of my own father,so I can’t say much,but the city needs to get rid of him,he is bad news.
BTW,i accident,ly came across this story,not realizing that family,the children ect.were threatned.I am saddened because I do NOT agree with myself being unfortunately his daughter to feel threatned .It has been bad enfough having him as a father.