Let’s talk about ad hominem arguments, which is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out the negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it. This is also known as a logical fallacy. One of the things devious people do when they don’t have a valid argument is to attribute a bad trait to their opponent in the hopes that others will doubt him, even if the bad trait is irrelevant to the arguments.
Adherents of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (https://www.votersopinion.com/
The North Miami Beach Police UNION “leaders” are totally pissed off. During the budget negotiations, they took a huge gamble and lost. Instead of negotiating in good faith to try to save jobs, they played chicken with the City Manager, and ended up throwing seventeen police officers under the bus. (See https://www.votersopinion.com/?p=1254, https://www.votersopinion.com/?
So, yeah, they’re not happy campers.
During the budget season, the UNION “leaders” used ad hominem attacks on not only the City Manager and any council members they saw as standing in the way of getting what they wanted, but also on residents. One such act of stupidity got a cop fired. You’d think they would have learned their lesson? Hardly.
This week starts yet another contentious round of talks known as Pension Negotiations. And so the fun begins yet again. As expected, the UNION Alinskyites have been flexing their muscles gearing up for more attacks on their opponent, which now happens to be the Mayor, George Vallejo. Someone over at the UNION has dug up Mayor Vallejo’s real estate property tax records and is trying to use them to discredit him. As per their usual games, they have contacted the media and are posting furiously on their laughable LEOAFFAIRS website. One of them has even posted not one, not two, but three, comments on one of my columns.
By pulling this stunt, the UNION “leaders” are attempting to (1) blind-side the Mayor with irrelevant arguments, (2) ridicule him, and (3) disregard his rational arguments for pension reform.
Good luck with that!
The police UNION’s LAWYER pulled out all the stops with his ad hominem arguments during the budget negotiations in an attempt to avoid cuts. That attempt was an EPIC FAIL.
Now the UNION is attempting to distract not only the Mayor, but the rest of us, too. Guess what, boys? Ain’t never gonna happen!
We will not be dragged into your battle or be forced to argue your “logical fallacy.” We refuse to be distracted by your childish games and attempts to humiliate any of us, including the Mayor. The more you try to blind-side us with your ad hominem attacks, the louder we’re laughing.
You can bait us all you want, but the gig is up. The days of golden parachutes are over.
Deal with it!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
You are right. We need to stay focus.
Unless the city manager declares financial urgency there will be no changes to the pension as 60% of NMB officers have to vote in any changes and that is never going to happen.
Or, the city could decide not to renew the contract at all, right? Then what happens?
the only change will be for new hires
Oh, yes. That goes without saying! All existing pension contracts must be honored. A deal is a deal.
A promise is not a promise when many of these deals were only done for short term gains without any consideration of funding same.
dosent work that way with the pension it is its own animal. there are only two options. 1- officers vote 60% in favor of pension changes or 2- city manager declares financial urgency. They will only be able to change things for new officers.
I don’t believe that fiscal urgency is on the table. Of course, I don’t know for sure, but I have not heard anything about it whatsoever. As for pension changes, I would assume you are correct that it is only for new hires.
Well all I can tell you being retired from NMB for 5.5 years your city will not be able to recruit the qualty officers you currently have. You will get misfits who will cause more law suits and probably cost the city in the long run.
No offense, but these days it doesn’t look like we’re batting a thousand right now with the ones we already have. I’m just saying…
Well you might have a point there because the generation y officer is definitely sub par, but if you look at Opa locka there force is pathetic and NMB is heading that way soon with what is occuring.
That is a shame. The older cops, especially the ones who have already retired, are the ones who gave our city’s police department its excellent reputation. Too bad the young ones are tarnishing their legacy. Of course, I still believe that most of them are very professional and fine cops. The bad boys are ruining it for everyone else.
Our budget total is approximately $124 MILLION. Of this less than $200,000.00 comes back for any new infrastructure. Our general reserves are at ground zero. The water plant reserves, the largest revenue earner is below ground zero.
No dollars were put aside for the PONZI like DROP programs. All pensions remain at best, hazy, questionable and unsustainable.
A promise is not a promise when many of these deals were only done for short term gains without any consideration of funding same. A blind bat could have seen we were going wrong more than two decades ago.
We need to have financial urgency NOW.