Press Release – Press Release – Press Release – Press Release
City of North Miami Beach Police Department
Media Relations Office
16901 NE 19th Avenue
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Larry Gomer – Interim Chief of Police
Contacts: Thomas A. Carney – Director of Police Services
(305) 787-6006
(305) 954-218-4308 Cell Phone
E-mail: tom.carney@nmbpd.org
On September 19, 2011, a local NMB resident’s blog received a post from an anonymous individual believed to have been sent from a North Miami Beach Police Department computer server. The bloggers remarks focused on the good work done by the police department. However, the anonymous blogger went on to use derogatory words to describe two local residents and also list their addresses encouraging criminals to “have fun”. The incident was reported to the police for investigation by the blog creator, Stephanie Kienzle.
An internal investigation revealed that a North Miami Beach Police Department computer was in fact used to send the blog in question and a police officer, who was scheduled to be laid-off due to the proposed budget cuts, was the individual responsible for posting the blog.
Officer William Hobbs, hired by the police department in October of 2009, was responsible for posting the comments on the blog. As a result of the investigation, Officer Hobbs has been charged with “Conduct Unbecoming a Police Officer” and has been terminated from employment with the City of North Miami Beach as of this date.
Officer Hobbs was placed on suspension during the investigation. He will not face any criminal charges involving this incident.
Interim Police Chief Larry Gomer states “As stated earlier, any such wrongdoing by any of our officers will be swiftly and firmly dealt with. Our department prides itself on providing professional services to our citizens and we will not tolerate such remarks from our officers that are directed towards our community“.
There were no other employees involved in this incident and the investigation is now closed.
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