…and the barkeep said, “What will you have, Mr. Pierre?”
North Miami Beach councilman Frantz Pierre, with the help of his friend, radio personality Lesly Prudent, has been doing everything he can to restore his own damaged reputation with the Haitian community. Along with Prudent and several former city employees, Li’l Frantzie P has been spreading false rumors and outright lies on Prudent’s radio show. Luckily, few Haitians are falling for the BS, and if Lesly Prudent cared about his own reputation as a relevant talk show host, he’d stop giving Mr. Pee-Air any air time.
Their cozy relationship goes way back to the time when the former, and fired, Kelvin Baker was the city manager. Probably even way before that, but I had never heard of Lesly Prudent until Baker’s public meltdown in August of 2010.
When Frantz moved to have Baker fired for the incompetent boob he turned out to be, I gave Pierre kudos on this very website. As it turned out, however, my praises were largely undeserved, and snatched back shortly thereafter, because I found out that the ONLY reason Frantz fired Baker was because Baker refused to hire Prudent as an assistant city manager. Gee, I dunno. Isn’t everyone with a local radio talk show highly qualified to be a city manager? I’m just saying.
During this past election (and I’m sure the previous two elections, as well), Frantz Pierre was garnering votes in the Haitian community by promising jobs, a promise he had a snowball’s chance in hell of fulfilling. Anyone familiar with the hierarchy at City Hall knows that NEITHER THE MAYOR NOR ANY COUNCIL MEMBER HAS THE POWER TO HIRE OR FIRE CITY EMPLOYEES! The fact that this is specifically enumerated in the North Miami Beach City Charter certainly didn’t stop good old Frantz from LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH to the Haitian community.
It also didn’t stop Pee-Air from trying to have employee Jean Pompee fired in order to keep the two employees under Mr. Pompee from being laid off. Desperate to keep his two campaign supporter friends employed, and in order to try to keep his fairy tale campaign promises, Frantz even attempted to have Leisure Services Director Paulette Murphy fired in order to open up a position for one of his friends. Because, as everyone knows, a maintenance worker is highly qualified to run an entire Parks and Recreation Department. Yeah, right. And pigs really do fly.
None of Pee-Air’s schemes and attempted machinations worked. DUH! Aside from the fact that it’s ILLEGAL for a North Miami Beach council member to interfere with the hiring of employees, it’s also an abuse of power, of which Frantz really has slim to none.
A little lesson in American Government, Frantz. The City Council only has the power to enact legislation. You know… those pesky little Ordinances and Resolutions that, when it’s time to vote on one of them, you conveniently step out of the room. The Executive Branch of our city government is the City Manager. He is the only person who has the power to execute the legislation passed by the Council and he is the only person with the power to hire and fire employees. I know these are really big words with difficult meanings, but try to put on your thinking cap here. By attempting to interfere in the hiring and firing of city employees, FRANTZ PIERRE, YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW!
It must be frustrating as all heck to be cut down to size. During the election season, Mr. Pee-Air was counting on his former colleague, ousted mayor Myron Rosner, to win back his seat, thus being able to maintain the voting bloc he held since getting elected in 2007. Frantz fully expected that as long as he had Myron in his corner, along with councilwoman Phyllis Smith and councilman Philippe Derose, he’d be able to pass any legislation that he wanted, including another Bloated Baker-like Budget, where he could continue to keep all his cronies and supporters on the payroll.
Hey, Frantz! How does it feel to be on the losing side for once? It sure must pierce that pompously inflated ego, eh?
So now Frantz Pierre and his old friend Lesly Prudent have been spreading more lies on Haitian radio. This time, they are accusing the current Mayor, George Vallejo, of RACISM! They’re telling the listeners that the Mayor hates Haitians and that the Mayor is firing only Haitians, while keeping Hispanics and Anglos with less seniority. They are admonishing the Haitian community and telling them that if only they had voted for Myron and the Fake Hapac slate (which Frantz himself had a hand in publishing), they would now have a Haitian city manager, a Haitian city attorney, a Haitian City Clerk and a majority Haitian workforce.
Hey, Frantz. Who’s the racist here? I’d say YOU’RE THE RACIST!
Frantz is desperate to save face with the Haitian community. He cannot keep his outrageously false promise to fill City Hall with more Haitian employees. He never told his potential supporters that budget cuts were going to be made and that there would be layoffs across the board, or that there would necessarily be Haitian employees, AMONG OTHERS, who would lose their jobs. HE LIED TO THEM THEN AND HE’S LYING TO THEM NOW.
Despite the FACT that no council person, NOT EVEN THE MAYOR, has the power to hire and fire city employees, and despite the fact that a City Manager, a City Attorney and a City Clerk are the ONLY employees hired by the Council, and despite the fact that the Council is SUPPOSED to hire those positions BASED ON QUALIFICATIONS, NOT ON ETHNICITY, Frantz Pierre is desperately trying to paint the Mayor as a racist, when in fact, FRANTZ PIERRE IS THE MOST DESPICABLE RACIST ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET!
It’s obvious that Frantz Pierre is already in campaign mode for the 2013 election. Along with his friend, Lesly Prudent, to whom he promised a job that was impossible for him to provide, Frantz is trying to manipulate a council where a majority of members are Haitian (or Haitian panderers like Myron and Phyllis) so that he will feel empowered again.
Dream on, Dude! You’ll be lucky if you escape the next four years without a recall or a jail sentence, ‘cuz I’m guessing at least one of those things are in your future.
Bottom line, Frantz Pierre is A LIAR, A LAWBREAKER AND A RACIST. It’s bad enough when a person is any one of these things. But for someone to possess all three of these despicable qualities, he truly is the lowest of the low. And when it comes to low, Frantz Pierre could walk under the belly of a snake.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Whose idea was it to eliminate the qualified applicants for city clerk and hire his friend in the recent past(I think that friend backed out of his sweet deal?)
That was Mario Bataille, who didn’t have the required degree or experience for the job. But that didn’t stop Frantz from pushing it. That is a perfect example!
How is it possible to cut Mr. Pierre down to size? One can only imagine! Mr. Pierre and his ilk in the Haitian community will only survive if they are successful in keeping members of their ethnic community out of the mainstream majority population. They are never successful because young people mix and mingle and realize that there is no point in living in the United States if you are going to conduct business the way it is done in Haiti. The island is run by incompetents appointed by the Prime Incompetent. We already have cities in Miami-Dade county being held hostage by morons who stumbled their way into office and immediately appointed their family and friends to key posts. That’s all we need here in North Miami Beach. That will be the straw…