You would think the UNIONS haven’t been smacked down enough, but just in case anyone believes they are still relevant, have a dose of this. Just posted on The Miami Herald’s website is Miami-Dade County Commission backs mayor’s budget and reorganization plans (http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/23/v-fullstory/2421875/miami-dade-county-commission-backs.html).
Mayor Gimenez vowed to reform the county government, and I’ll be darned if he isn’t doing just that.
Just like our North Miami Beach Mayor George Vallejo promised that the passing of our city budget was just the beginning in a long process of reforming our local government, the Miami Herald article states, “Gimenez said Friday’s early morning vote represents a beginning, not a culmination, of his push to reform county government.” The Herald also quoted him as saying, “It’s just another step in a long process.”
Unlike our Council, which passed our budget by a 4-3 vote, Mayor Gimenez had a consensus. While I’m sure there were some Commissioners who weren’t too happy about it, they knew that supporting their Mayor was more important than their own personal agendas. They also knew how important it was to show a united front in order to instill public confidence. Then again, for the Miami-Dade County Commission, I’m sure the threat of recall is still fresh in their minds.
North Miami Beach Council Members Phyllis Smith, Philippe Derose and Frantz Pierre haven’t quite caught on. They voted against our budget, most likely in an attempt to curry favor with the employees and a small special interest group, but they certainly didn’t do themselves any favors with the majority of their constituents – you know, the ones who actually live and vote in our city. We’ll just have to remind the voters that these three career politicians were part of the problem instead of the solution when the next elections roll around. I know this voter won’t forget!
Part of Mayor Gimenez’ plan is to reform pensions, something that the county’s police union doesn’t want to hear. But, of course. Like our cops did during our council meetings and budget workshops, at the County’s budget hearing, “more than 100 Miami-Dade police officers, sporting black T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “We Fight What You Fear,” walked into the hall in a show of force while John Rivera, president of the police union, made an impassioned presentation about the critical importance of adequate police service.”
Sound familiar?
It should. They were given the standard UNION talking points memo, which obviously states, “Bully, lie, confuse, obfuscate, intimidate.” And if that doesn’t work, “Instill fear in the populace!” Even the president of the County’s police UNION, the Dade County Police Benevolent Association, looks eerily like NMB’s own Mike Pons, right down to the red-faced anger and accusatory finger! Deja freaking vu, huh?
These days the Benevolent Association is looking more and more like the Malevolent Association. The problem is that they are fast losing favor with public opinion. Their venomous bully tactics are creating the exact opposite effect that the UNION intended, and the taxpaying citizens of North Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, and municipalities all over the United States of America are SAYING NO TO UNIONS! Then again, we already know that Mike Pons has trouble understanding the word “NO.” Psssst, hey, Mike! It’s not a difficult word. Two letters, one syllable. Oh, never mind.
Meanwhile, over at County Hall, Mayor Gimenez is scoring brownie points for following through on his campaign promises. As the Miami Herald article states, “In coming weeks Gimenez’s to-do list includes inking new labor agreements with the county unions, appointing new directors in the reshuffled county bureaucracy, making good on his promise to streamline and wring out inefficiencies in the newly formed departments, and tackling charter reform. That last one includes a pledge to institute eight-year term limits for a county commission that has typically lacked turnover. Gimenez said he plans to unveil initiatives to spur economic growth.”
Good for him and good for us! Not so good for the police UNIONS. Oh, how my heart bleeds.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Deja freaking vu is right! Those two could be interchangeable.
Hey Saphanie! (lol)
Why don’t you do an article on those “THREE CAREER POLITICIANS” that voted AGAINST the budget.
Also include WHY they would do their “PUBLIC GRANDSTANDING” and then NOT take responsibility for following through or even having an idea of what to do when given the chance.
Oh yeah I want to start a business in NMB with those three to the Mayor’s left, and possibly having to count on your police protection…… NOT!
Shut up Phylis and sit down EXACTLY where you belong.
Now all we have to do is figure out if that is on, under, or in your chair.
Council Critic