In case there’s anyone out there that doesn’t know the difference between a reporter and a blogger, I’m going to fill you in right now. Reporters are supposed to be professional journalists who hopefully have a degree in journalism from an accredited college or university, and who are supposed to report the news without any bias or slant. Bloggers, on the other hand, include any Joe or Jane Citizen with an opinion or two, and a website on which to publish them. Reporters usually get paid for their work. Most bloggers would probably like to get paid, but unless a blogger gets lucky and is discovered by a media outlet that’s willing to pay them for their opinions, a blogger’s paycheck consists of someone patting them on the shoulder and saying, “Great column!” Lastly, a non-biased report of the news by a professional reporter is called an “article.” An opinion piece, either by an editor, a columnist, a pundit, or a blogger, is simply called a “column” or a “blog.”
I hope we’re clear on the difference between fact and opinion. Raise your hand if you’re still not sure.
Which brings me to the point of this particular column. As you all know by now, I am a blogger. Even though I do a lot of dirt digging, research and investigation, when I write a column, most of the time I’m giving you my opinion. Of course, when I have facts that can be substantiated, I will give you all the details. Then I’ll write my opinion about the dirt I dig up. I’ll also try to entertain you while doing so.
I hope we’re clear on the fact that I am not a reporter, but a blogger. I have lots and lots of opinions. And I don’t mind telling you all about them.
I’ve been accused by a couple of people here on this website and in comments on the Miami Herald’s website of being a “propaganda machine” for North Miami Beach Mayor, George Vallejo. Propaganda is difficult to define because the general consensus is “if they do it then that’s propaganda, while if we do it then that’s information and education.” In other words, propaganda is in the eye of the beholder.
2. such information, allegations, etc.
However, I’m hardly guilty of “organized dissemination” of anything. You have no idea how disorganized I am! Nor am I a professional journalist limited to writing unbiased accounts of the news. I am specifically telling you that what I write is simply what I believe; and therefore, can hardly be construed as “propaganda.” In fact, trying to convince others that I’m a “propaganda machine” is actually propaganda in and of itself. I’m just saying.
If I write only positive things about the Mayor it’s because IN MY OPINION he’s doing all positive things. As I’ve said countless times, I have known George Vallejo for many years and I was one of the people who encouraged him to run for office. Why would I have wanted him to run if I didn’t believe he would be a great Mayor? Duh! I could have supported any number of people to run against Myron Rosner, but I knew that George was the right choice from the get go. I agree with George’s opinion about government one hundred percent, and as far as I’m concerned, he has done everything right in his capacity as Mayor so far. If I had any complaints about George, I would have been the first to kvetch. The fact that I don’t have any yet only proves to me that he is carrying out the duties as Mayor of North Miami Beach exactly the way I expected him to do. I give him two thumbs up. I also happen to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that George Vallejo is one of the most honest and honorable people I have ever known.
Before you go snickering like juvenile preteens (some of you already have) that I’m fawning over George, I feel the same exact way about Barbara Kramer, Beth Spiegel and Marlen Martel. I would stake my reputation on the fact that all three of these council people are completely honest, transparent and are true public servants in every sense of the word. Somehow I haven’t yet been accused of spreading propaganda about them or fawning over any one of these ladies. Is that because I’m a female? Hah! What does that say about you?
The funny thing is that someone told me just yesterday that if anything, George’s only fault is that he’s too blunt – that he should learn to “play the game” by not being so brutally honest. WTF? Considering that this Mayor is NOT a career politician, but just a regular person like you and me, I find it incredulous that someone actually thinks genuine honesty in an elected official is a bad thing. Seriously? WTF?
Almost all of the people I speak to who do agree with my assessment of the Mayor’s job performance so far are the residents who voted for him. They truly believe that Mr. Vallejo is looking out for the best interests of the residents of our city. It’s no surprise that the people who don’t like him (and who accuse me of having a “hidden” agenda and the Mayor of having “hidden” money) are mostly the employees, who happen to be on the receiving end of municipal budget cuts. Yeah, that’s totally understandable, especially if you happen to be one of the employees who have already received a pink slip. I’m sorry if you did, and I sure hope you find a job quickly. If anything, it’s the UNION that’s guilty of spreading propaganda by falsely accusing the city of not being transparent with its books. It’s the UNION that’s deliberately spreading “information, allegations, etc.” designed to discredit the Mayor and Council. I’m not surprised. UNIONS wrote the book on propaganda!
Bottom line is this: When I wrote about all the things I thought former mayor Myron Rosner was doing wrong and I called him a dirtbag, that was my opinion. When I wrote that I discovered he allegedly committed campaign finance fraud and filed a complaint with the Florida Elections Commission, I wrote the specific facts about this alleged crime, and then I told you what I thought of him. Yep. Still a dirtbag. Hopefully, he’ll be a dirtbag behind bars one of these days.
When I write about all the things I think Mayor George Vallejo is doing right, it’s also my opinion. When I tell you that I believe he was the best person for the job and that I’m glad he was elected, it’s still my opinion. If you agree with me, you’ll think I made a brilliant choice by supporting him. If you disagree with me, you’ll call it propaganda. Whatever.
Someone recently posted on one of my blogs that I need to be more “fair and balanced.” If I were a professional reporter, I’d better be unbiased. But I’m a blogger, so you get my extremely biased, unadulterated opinion with a dash of snark. As I responded to the person who made the comment, “If you want “fair and balanced,” watch Fox News. If you want your news with a side of Kool Aid, watch MSNBC.”
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”