North Miami Beach employee and AFSCME President Janice Coakley starts every public comment in response to a department’s budget presentation with the phrase, “I have a problem with that.” Ever since the Budget Season has begun, she has been constantly telling the Mayor, Council and City Manager that the workforce in our city is top heavy. What she means is that there are too many managers and not enough workers, and that “it’s always the little person to get cut.” I tend to agree with her. Janice, I have a problem with that, too.
As Councilwoman Phyllis Smith noted in last night’s budget workshop, the Customer Service Department has 22 employees and 6 managers. Phyllis calculated that roughly one quarter of the staff of that department are managers, or that each manager supervises a grand total of 2.7 workers. Yeah, I’d say that sounds pretty top heavy to me. But what I find really incredible is that with all those employees in Customer Service, they still can’t find someone to answer the phone. I’m just saying.
Now in all fairness to comments I received from some employees, without proper supervision from department heads and managers, the “little people” would run amok. Even in the private sector, which as you know I work in, our “little people,” i.e., secretaries, sales people, cashiers, food servers, etc., need bosses to make sure we’re working efficiently and doing our jobs properly. But, even in the private sector, when you have too many Chiefs telling us what to do, and not enough Indians to do the jobs, turmoil usually ensues.
As Ms. Coakley and several other Council members and residents noted last night, there are far too many people at the top at North Miami Beach City Hall, raking in the big bucks, while the actual workers who get stuff done are making the least amount of pay and receiving the least amount of benefits. Janice, I have a problem with that, too.
One thing that really stood out was when Councilwoman Barbara Kramer mentioned that the city cannot give a raise to someone unless that employee has two more people working under him or her. So in order to get a raise, those employees need to create two positions and scare up two bodies to supervise. What kind of crap is that? This policy needs to be challenged and changed immediately!
A couple of days ago, I had the opportunity to chat with a former colleague of mine, JT, an attorney I worked with for about fifteen years when he and my boss were partners in a small law firm. I also happened to know JT from high school, so we go way back. We were reminiscing about the good old days when our office was made up of four lawyers, four secretaries, two paralegals and a receptionist. Remember, these were the days when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. It was before the telex machine was invented (a precursor to the now antiquated fax machine), the Xerox copier was the latest in technology, having just replaced the mimeograph machine, Wang Word Processors were all the rage if you could afford one at about $20k a pop, and only NASA had computers, which took up entire floors of buildings. My most cherished office possessions were my brand new IBM Selectric III Self-Correcting Typewriter (no more messy White Out!) and my trusty package of carbon paper I stashed in my drawer (in case the Xerox broke down).
I called JT to see if he could email me some legal forms I needed, and we started talking about how our lives had changed with all the new technology that’s been invented since our days at the old firm. We marveled at the wonders of the internet and how it’s changed the way we do business. In our wildest dreams back then, we never could have imagined the day when we would communicate by email instead of picking up a phone, when we could send each other forms at the click of a mouse, when a mouse was still a critter, when we no longer needed to dedicate entire rooms to a law library, when one time state of the art technology (like fax machines and copiers) would be outdated. Hard to imagine how two old geezers like me and JT were even able to practice law back in the stone age. Our kids still can’t figure out how we actually changed channels without a remote control! (“Your TV had a dial? A DIAL???”)
JT told me the biggest advantage to the new world of technology is that he’s able to save at least $150,000.00 a year by eliminating the need for a paralegal and a secretary. At his law firm, they have a receptionist to answer the phone, one paralegal to do research, and a computer on every desk so the lawyers can prepare their own letters, documents and pleadings. Gone are the days of dictation (Take a letter, Stella!), drafts, edits, redrafts, type, copy and mail. Since I started in this business, I’m amazed at how adept attorneys have become at being self-sufficient. Granted, that efficiency makes secretarial work nearly obsolete, but we no longer need elevator operators, bowling alley pinsetters or milkmen, either. While technology and innovation have replaced those jobs, it has also created many, many more. Times change, and you either have to keep up with the pace or get out of the way.
The biggest problem with our city government, and with most government entities, is it’s stuck on stupid. People who run government refuse to admit that most jobs are just obsolete, and by utilizing the many technological advances that have been made in running a business, the government could be streamlined and made much more efficient. As Phyllis said last night, we’d get “more bang for the buck.”
Scientists, however, have yet to invent technology to replace the people who inspect buildings, mow lawns, patrol neighborhoods, clean streets, pick up trash, wash windows, mop floors, answer phones and help customers who like to deal with real humans. Or, as Janice Coakley calls them, the “little people.” Yes, we need department heads to oversee and manage the work, and delegate the tasks, but without the “little people” to do the actual work, nothing would get done. I hate to use an overworked term, but the truth is if the city balances the budget on the backs of the “little people,” we are all screwed. And we don’t even get kissed.
While the residents of North Miami Beach really don’t want anyone to lose their jobs, the fact remains that the economy sucks and people are losing their jobs left and right. Some of the employees are complaining that the reduction of the workforce has caused them to do the work of two or three people. Welcome to the real world! That’s been going on in the private sector for years, and those who can’t cut it have the option of either quitting and trying to find another job or being grateful they’re still employed.
It’s been my personal experience that many governments do not operate at the most efficient levels. My dealings with some government agencies have been a nightmare. For example, several years ago I had the misfortune of having to do some business with the Operation Center of the Miami-Dade Public School Board. I walked into an office where three employees were sitting at their desks, literally playing solitaire on their computers and filing their nails. One woman, who appeared to be the supervisor, had to help me with some forms. Although I was the only customer for the two hours I was in that office, she was positively annoyed that I interrupted her by asking her to do something. In fact, she tried every which way she could to find flaws in my paperwork so that she could go back to reading her novel instead of processing my request. She kept shuffling and reshuffling through my documents, checking and rechecking every line, and was disgusted that she couldn’t find any mistakes. Since I needed her assistance, it took every ounce of sheer willpower I could muster not to get in her face and tell her to move faster than glacial speed so I could get to work. What I can tell you with absolute certainty is that I could have run that entire office by myself, and get whatever work that needed doing done in half the time. This was a perfect example of bloated, top heavy, government. There was absolutely no reason for that entire division to exist, in a stand alone building, much less have three employees. It is my understanding that the new School Superintendent has since abolished that division. Good riddance!
With all due respect to Janice Coakley, who would like to preserve as many jobs as possible, there are just some things that are done more efficiently and at a much cheaper cost. Outsourcing utility billing is a perfect example of streamlining. As was presented last night, there has been a significant savings to the city in terms of labor and postage by such outsourcing.
I have no doubt that some of the positions at the City of North Miami Beach can be eliminated due to the fact that they’re obsolete. I also have no doubt that some employees are not working at the maximum level of efficiency, and could either stand to be given more responsibility or replaced with someone more capable. This is true in every organization, not just government. The difference is that in the private sector, employees have to prove their value on a daily basis or risk being fired. Why should it be any different in government? The bad economy is forcing the city to finally re-evaluate its entire workforce and move into the 21st century by utilizing the technological resources that modern science has afforded to us.
North Miami Beach, it’s time to get with the program. If you don’t understand reality, then I have a problem with that.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
I agree that government has too many lazy workers and outdated polices and procedures. A few weeks ago I went to the post office on a Saturday to renew my passport. The mail clerk told me on Saturdays it was by appointment only. I told the lady thats understandable but theres no one in line and I was literally the only one standing in the passport line (they have a seperate line just for passports). She said sorry thats the policy and theres no opening for today. Again I said but theres no one here, this will only take a few minutes. She again apologized and said you need an appointment. I then asked for an appointment for the following Saturday and she pulled out a clipboard that was full of names. She again apologized and advised next Saturday was booked already. I started laughing and said but theres no one here now and your telling me I have to wait two weeks. She looked at me aggravatated like how dare me laugh at this situation. She then erased a name from the 11:00 am appointment time on the Saturday that she said was booked already. I then asked what if that person shows up for their appointment time. She then said it’s okay we’ll figure something out. I couldn’t believe what was happening and I actually think they write in random names in this appointment book to look as if it’s booked and to avoid having to work.
So the 5-10 minutes I was there trying to get this accomplished, not one person came to get a passport and the procees of renewing mine would have taken no more than 5 minutes since I already had all the paperwork completed and my updated picture in hand.
OMIGOD as I’m reading what you wrote I’m gritting my teeth and wanting to slap her. This is exactly the type of attitude, stupidity, laziness and sheer audacity that I’m talking about!!! My best friend, who happens to be a teacher, worked at the school board office one summer instead of teaching. Every day she told me stories of the school board employees similar to the one you just wrote about. This is where we coined the term “hamsters” for those types of government workers. She told me they’d be sitting around a table in the conference room working on a project, when all of a sudden they would stand up, put their pens down and walk out of the room. She couldn’t understand what happened because she was in the middle of a sentence trying to explain something and they all just walked out. She ran after them to find out what happened. “Was it something I said?” Turns out it was high noon, and no matter what was going on, it was time to break for lunch. As if the entire world would fall apart if they didn’t stop at the stroke of twelve to go eat. And, believe me, that wasn’t even the worst of it. These are people (administrators) who have either never been classroom teachers or hadn’t taught in so many years they forgot everything they ever knew. Yet they are writing curricula and writing lesson plans for teachers, and creating make work programs that inevitably fail, because they have no freaking idea what they’re doing. They also got six figure salaries for their “brilliance.” Thanks to Mr. Carvalho, who has cleaned up the school system as much as possible, those people are probably not there any more. Meanwhile they sucked as much of all our tax dollars as long as possible.
Your post office story is up there with the best/worst government worker stories I’ve heard. Still gritting my teeth. I’m surprised you were so calm. I doubt I would have been.
“I agree that government has too many lazy workers and outdated POLICES and procedures.” (emphasis added)
Geez, yeahright, could that be a Freudian slip?
Too funny! I’m sure it was a typo, but now that you mention it, what exactly is the plural of POLICE? Quite sure it’s not POLICES. I think it’s one of those anomalies in the English language where the singular and the plural are one and the same. Actually, I think POLICE is the plural, like when you call the POLICE. You mean you want the entire force to show up and rescue your cat from a tree. Oh, wait! No, that’s the FIREMEN since they have ladders. Still, when you call the POLICE, you want more than one, right? So what do you say when you only need one? Hmmm… One police, two polices? Okay, maybe you’re right right. Then again… Yeah, I can see this will keep me up tonight trying to figure it out.
You say police officers.
Alrighty then.
You say police, I say polici.
You call Firemen? or do you call Fire? For that matter, you can call policemen…or to be politically correct, you call policepersons. I guess Police can be considered both singular and plural at the same time. When you call for the police, you may get one or more to respond. Interesting.
Don’t call Fire in a crowded theater. Well, at least that’s what Carmen always says. Personally, I don’t go to theaters. I’d much prefer to wait for the DVD so I can pause the movie for potty breaks.
As for cats in trees, why do they go up there in the first place? I never could figure that out.
Happy Saturday.
Was Fireman now Firefighter and PC meant Personal Computer and NOT Politically Correct.
As far as Policeman and Police…….I would like to defer that answer to a Constable On Patrol.
Just a little story for the Union Youngin’s.
As a firefighter I filed grievances like, “Quota Hiring Females”, “Nepotism”, and my favorite…..” Using Rookies in Officers’ Positions to cut down on overtime”.
The whole time I did these things I was on MY OWN, even though I was a union member.
(would not suggest this for the faint at heart)
I had to file original paperwork under Career Grievance and NOT check the box saying my union had full control over it and was representing me. You see they could sit on, spin on it or even stop it and I couldn’t do a thing about it.
Now, I knew that both procedures follow about the same time line. The difference was that with a Career Grievance I would end up in a “Kangaroo Court” consisting of three county department heads.
At least it was documented well and could be presented to a court later.
I guess all I’m trying to say is that no matter what you call it…….”Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong”.
I feel that ANY INCENTIVES being discussed by your union should be for officers that are getting laid off. (parting severance)
NOT to PAY OFF an officer that is getting a pay check and has monies being paid into DROP for themselves.
NMB “Where People Care”
Thats not exactly correct. They were trying to get rid of people BEFORE going into the drop to save the junior guys. It just didn’t quite happen I guess with the numbers. I appreciate that some of those guys would sacrafice the ability to go into the 8 year drop to save jobs. Just like I’m sure when you left the county 18 months earlier from your drop. I think that was the time you’ve said in the past? You didn’t say the reason but I’m guessing it was to save someones job. What a sacrafice. Thankfully you were able to afford it. Guess we’ll have to see what happens next.
The city had no trees that grow higher then 20 feet. They don’t want anythinh to block the sunset! If you have been around this city for awhile you get the joke. So at only 20 feet it’s an easy climb. Plus we get to pick imes so that when we are “liming” around we can drink limeaid! I Love it!
Madness, if my cat climbs up a tree, I’m going to call you personally, if that’s okay. I’ll bring the tequila and salt; you can climb up and get the kitty and limes; and then we’ll all have margaritas to celebrate. Maybe some chili too!
Paying attention, that’s cool. The problem is I no longer have a cell phone because I had to cut it out of my budget. If you can please shine the bat light in the sky over NMB and I will appear. I will bring the Patron!
I have a Net10 cell phone, pay-as-you-go, automatically loading $16.04 per month. Since I rarely use it I’m up to almost 3,000 minutes. Granted, it’s just a cell phone. Doesn’t take pictures or do my laundry or wash my car or anything like that. Just FYI, it’s quite economical for an “emergency” phone!
My boyfriend doesn’t have a cell phone either (because he’s stubborn…he also still uses CASH, can you imagine?). But he does have flashlights up the wazoo. I’m pretty sure there’s a high-powered bat-shaped Maglite in his arsenal. So when kitty goes up the tree, I’ll signal you. BOLO!
My cat, Missy, asked for a cell phone. She tried to play me by saying it was in case she gets stuck up a tree. HAH! She doesn’t even go outside. Nice try, Missy! Of course, it would have helped when she fell behind the television and couldn’t get out.
Then we can lime in the tree.