After laying low for several months since he was shamed out of office, former North Miami Beach mayor Myron Rosner’s name has been resurfacing lately like a sewer rat slipping out of manholes at night for a scurry about town under cover of darkness. People have been asking about the status of the various ongoing investigations of our resident rodent, and I’ve been doing a little worm digging on their behalf. For starters, his trial before the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics for all the allegedly illegal construction on his property is tentatively scheduled for September 22, 2011, barring any additional continuations his latest attorney will try to finagle. The trial was to have originally been held last September, and was continued to March of this year. Then Myron somehow managed to have it delayed until this past June so that it wouldn’t interfere with his thankfully unsuccessful bid for re-election. The trial was then continued yet again due to the resignation of the then Ethics Commission chief, Robert Myers, who was replaced by then State Attorney Joe Centorino. Why it was necessary to postpone Myron’s trial just because there was a changing of the guard is one of life’s greatest mysteries. It’s not as if Mr. Centorino wasn’t fully aware of the myriad complaints filed against Myron for the past three years, the ethics violation charges being the only ones to stick at the time. Nevertheless, Myron’s trial was continued until, hopefully, next month – more than two years after they were filed.
In yet another complaint against our former mayor, the Florida Department of Health and the Miami-Dade Department of Health cited Myron for violations regarding his illegally built septic tank, covered over with an illegally constructed second driveway. (Yeah, Myron’s just a model citizen, isn’t he?) According to an agreed upon settlement with the Departments of Health, Myron must tear up his illegal second driveway since the septic tank’s cover isn’t built for vehicular traffic, hence leaving nowhere for poor Myron to park his boat trailer. Alternatively, Myron has the option of replacing his septic tank/cover with one specifically made to withhold boats, planes and automobiles. According to the Settlement Agreement, the original deadline for Myron to comply was June 24, 2011; however, being the conniving snake that he is, Myron somehow convinced the Departments of Health that he needed until September 24th to complete the construction because, better sit down, he told them that the CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH WAS GOING TO PAY FOR IT! Yeah, you read that right. Not being one to ever take responsibility for the problems he creates for himself, he actually believes that it’s the city’s fault that he didn’t obtain a proper building permit from the Department of Health to build a septic tank contrary to plans he submitted to the city, and then illegally paving a driveway over the tank. The Mind of Myron is a very dark and disturbing place. I’ve been told that the city will shell out the $25,000.00 needed for all this destruction and construction When Hell Freezes Over. Hopefully, there’s truth to this rumor. I’d sure love to be a fly on the wall when Myron is told he has to reach into his own pocket for the costs. I don’t know about you, but I kinda miss watching good old Myron throw a temper tantrum.
Still under investigation by the Florida Elections Commission are the charges against Myron for filing a fraudulent campaign treasurer’s report (https://www.votersopinion.com/?p=139). This is the biggie, folks! If he’s found guilty as charged, he could face up to one year in the hoosegow, which is a lot less than he deserves but would be the best possible outcome. I’m sure the bagboys and girls at Publix would breathe easier anyway considering how abusive I’m told he is to them. Maybe they could even give him a bon voyage party. Heck, I’d chip in!
Tonight I got an upsetting phone call from a long time friend in North Miami Beach who told me that NMB cops came to her door and to the doors of her neighbors. As they’ve been doing for weeks, the cops were ranting and raving about the proposed budget cuts and how 26 of their jobs are on the chopping block. In a strange twist, they are now apparently blaming the new Mayor George Vallejo because my friend’s relatives and neighbors are all upset that she urged them to vote for him.
The TRUTH is:
1. The Mayor has NOTHING to do with any proposed layoffs of cops.
2. They Mayor did not propose “The List” of 26 who might lose their jobs (hint: the UNION did!).
3. The Mayor doesn’t want to see ANYONE get fired and is doing his best to make sure no one does!
Now, either the cops have resorted to UNION tactics of telling lies and spreading false propaganda, or I suspect something even more insidious is going on. Considering that Myron has already filed something like five or six bogus complaints against his successor (not to mention several against his predecessor, former Mayor Ray Marin), and apparently he’s not done yet, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least that he’s somehow behind convincing the cops that Mayor George Vallejo is the problem. What a better way to try to gain sympathy for his cause and perhaps round up votes for the next election in 2015? Perish the thought!
Hopefully, by then Myron will have been convicted, served his time, and high tailed it back to Canada from whence he hails. This will also give us enough time to back a candidate to run against his wife, Circuit Court Judge Sarah Zabel, who is up for re-election in about three years or so. Don’t forget, folks, she owns half of his property, including the illegal septic tank and second driveway, and she’s just as complicit in all the violations! We already fired one corrupt elected official. Now all we have to do is concentrate on giving his, ahem, better half (?) a pink slip, so we can be rid of the both of them for once and for all.
You can bet I’ll be on top of all the legal and ethical actions pending against Myron Rosner. As soon as I have updated information on any of them, y’all will be the first to know.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
“2. They Mayor did not propose “The List” of 26 who might lose their jobs (hint: the UNION did!).”
Hmmmm…The union did? When did the union propose laying off Officers?
Seems CM Bonner has a history of attacking public safety and balancing budgets on the backs of its employees.
Posted: 06/24/2010
OKEECHOBEE, Fla. – People filled every seat in the Okeechobee County Civic Center, many wearing the dark green uniforms of the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office.
They cheered when Sheriff Paul May said he couldn’t cut any more from his already trim budget.
“At what point do we let money, maybe $750, maybe a million, I don’t know what it is but at what point do we let money endanger human life?” asked May.
May and County Administrator Lyndon Bonner held the town hall meeting to discuss possible cuts to the county’s Public Safety department.
“Is there a scenario that I have seen in our budget now that does not include some additional revenues and additional cuts to balance the budget?” said Bonner. “I’ve not seen it yet.”
Bonner said it’s not known how much the county may have to cut, but that all departments will have to trim their budgets.
More town hall meetings are scheduled in the coming weeks.
I know, I know, it’s the union.
Yes, Carmen said the same thing to me when he read this blog. He told me it’s in the contract, as Mike Pons stated last night. I stand corrected about that comment. What I would have liked to say if I had spoken last night, is that this mayor and three council members, i.e., Beth Spiegel, Barbara Kramer and Marlen Martel, were not on the council when the contract was signed three years ago. None of those four are responsible, as Mike Pons claimed when he said, “It’s in the contract that you on the council signed.” The remaining three council members have been on the council for many years and should have known all the problems we were facing, but failed to pay attention. Maybe I’ve been unfair to this particular union because of my aversion to “big labor,” but by the same token, please let’s be fair to the new people on the council who didn’t cause the situation we are all facing.
As far as CM Bonner goes, it appears to me (again, my opinion), he also seems to be in the unfortunate position of cleaning up the mess left by the previous administration, including the previous CM and some of them in prior years. I have been told by quite a few people, residents and employees, that one of the former CMs, Keven Klopp, attempted to cut the budget. He started by cutting his own salary by about 15%. I was also told that he was fired precisely because he started looking too closely at things some of the former council members were trying to keep hidden. If he had been allowed to do his job, according to my “sources,” we wouldn’t be having most of the problems we are having today. That is not my opinion since I really don’t personally know, but the opinion of many people who told me these things.
I do agree that Rosner’s a scumbag.