I’m certainly not going to try to compete with the Miami Herald. I also don’t want to step on the toes of our reporter, Nadege Green, who I believe is one of the best we’ve ever had here in North Miami Beach. But I do know that many residents bemoan the fact that not all of their letters make it to print in the Neighbors section on Sunday. As a public service to all of you, I decided that I would publish your letters right here on votersopinion.com every Sunday in a special Reader’s Column. Unlike the Herald, I won’t limit your word count (but, please don’t write a book), and I won’t edit your letters unless you request me to do so. The only requirement I have is that you use your real name for letters. I don’t mind your using pen names or being anonymous when you post comments to the blogs, but when I publish your letters I want to give you the credit (or blame) that you deserve. 🙂
If you want to submit a letter for publishing beginning next Sunday, August 21, 2011, please send it to me in an email at stephanie.kienzle@gmail.com. Please let me know if you want it published as is or if you would like me to edit for spelling and grammar. I look forward to hearing from you.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”